The Student Room Group

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ahh YE was awesome back in the day. I was MD (of the worst company ever) called NoLiimit. Was a wicked experience though and somehow we managed to win best project! but we were crap at everything else so we didnt go through haha lol
Reply 2
I did young enterprise this year and was Financial Director. Our company was rather crap lol! We were called Cosy and we sold handmade candles and also insence sticks. We left everything to last minute so made a real bad job of everything. I blame the MD :P We suffed a minor loss so our share holders aren't getting all their money back.

It was good fun though :smile:
Reply 3
The YE group at our school sold mouse mats. I think they've so far made about £10 profit :p:
I'm hoping to do YE next looks quite fun, although a lot of work too. Also my school usually does pretty well, so there'd be high expectations...I have no idea what we'll end up doing, or what we'll be called. But I'm looking forward to it.
Haha my group totally sucks. We were going to sell glow sticks and with whistles and I was all for calling ourselves "blow-glow" :rofl: but it didn't go down well. I'm in the most unenthusiastic group of all, no one even shows up anymore, so I've bailed on it.

Very well done to you though! I would've loved to join a dedicated group and got on with it properly, but I'm too late.
Reply 6
my group was amazing :p: we made laser-engraved shot glasses, pint glasses for rugby teams/footballers, we made sales of champagne flutes to people having weddings, etc.

we all received £100 profit each and we had about 11 of us in the group. We gave about £300 to a local charity too :smile:

was such a fun thing to do, we also got to go to lots of Y.E events at different places cos...well..we kept winning! :p: We got knocked out just before the national finals in london though :frown:

i miss Y.E!
Reply 7
IT Director here! We have our County Finals this Thursday, having gotten through the West Surrey ones. Hope we get through.
YE is awesome!
Reply 8
HAHAHAHAH IT WAS SOOOOOOO RUBBISH AND STUPID IN OUR SCHOOL LOL we were called Innovatio pro name hehe and we sold wierd stuff heeh and made a bit of profit like £100+ but we had no girls so we were totally rubbish and i was 2 directors finance and some other top one that i forgot lol oh well stupid times
Reply 9
Haha I finished doing Young Enterprise last term. One of the most bloody stressful things ever! I was Marketing Director for our business Splat, which was a weekly recreational programme for kids, teaching them lessons and doing team building and stuff. But put it this way... our business started out with 14 of us... and only 5 of us stuck with it :tongue:
Reply 10
I loved YE! I did it in yr 10; our company was called 'Passion'; and we sold jewellery and accessories (I went to an all girls' school). We won the area finals, but didn't get further than that. It was a great experience though; I remember getting nervous before that second presentation.

I was Sales Director, but none of us payed any attention to our roles, and all did whatever
Reply 11
i was in a class of chavs. in the end there was 2 of us left. our teacher pulled us out of any competitions and events due to the fact all the chavs did nothing. they just made loads of rubbish decisions by majority vote then left us to finish the crappyness.
are the company names copywrited in any way? cos a certain apprentice programme has stolen our name. i reckon if we sued alan sugar for it we could make rather a lot.
YE was great fun and a really worthwhile experience I found.

I was Marketing Director and loved it!

Our company was SmartyPants selling customised knickers and we actually did really well, despite not making it through our county final...:frown:

We won Dragon's Den around October and then 'Best Stall' :p: at the finals. So we made £200 from those!

There were 20 in our team.

So hard to balance each member's work. There were definitely 5 people keeping the company afloat. Grr.

We went out for team meals and had 3 hour production sessions alongside the meetings each week.

We still have 35 pairs to sell and if we want extra profit we'll sell them.
Right now each of us have £15 to our name and then some bonuses.

I'll miss it next year!
Reply 13
YE was great fun and a really worthwhile experience I found.

I was Marketing Director and loved it!

Our company was SmartyPants selling customised knickers and we actually did really well, despite not making it through our county final...:frown:

We won Dragon's Den around October and then 'Best Stall' :p: at the finals. So we made £200 from those!

There were 20 in our team.

So hard to balance each member's work. There were definitely 5 people keeping the company afloat. Grr.

We went out for team meals and had 3 hour production sessions alongside the meetings each week.

We still have 35 pairs to sell and if we want extra profit we'll sell them.
Right now each of us have £15 to our name and then some bonuses.

I'll miss it next year!

we wanted to make customised knickers! especially sinse it was an all girls school. but an all girls school run by nuns however, and did therefore not go down too well :frown:
haha! Ours is all girls too. However a disturbing amount of male teachers showed personal interest.
Some of our braintstorm ideas were just odd.
The team a few years ago did underwear, and did realy well. Group name Flirt...

How does hand tie-dyed t-shirts sound? Buy a load of plain t-shirts from Tescos/Primark at £3 each, dye them, sell 'em for £10 each...(I've had that idea since I tie-died a t-shirt in yr 9 in textiles). I can't wait!
Primark was our source and the knickers were good quality so go for it.

We sold one pair for £3.50 and eventuall male boxers were brought in to please disturbed male teachers selling at £4.50. Girls also seemed to like them as pyjamas!
Reply 17
My company makes our postcards for £0.49 and sells them for £3.00, and we've shifted about 250 in 3 months. Not too bad..
Reply 18
Ours was absolutely ****. We were "Stoke Phoenix"....
ours is called "southern rock" quite appropriately named given their crisis atm!!