The Student Room Group
Yeah take it with you, they might also want to see like a passport as proof of of your right to work in the UK, oh and national insurance number!

Also don't forget your bank details so they can pay you, if you get the job, which I'm sure you will! Good luck! :biggrin:
Reply 2
Uh? I've never taken bank details, NI number or P45's to a job interview :confused:

Surely that's all stuff that you give them once you have the job?
Part time jobs often want things to move quickly and will sort out the details quite quickly. A lot of companies will aks for you NI number before you even get an interview (like Debenhams where I have my assessment next week). It never hurts to be prepared, but usually they'll tell you what to bring when they contact you for interview, and every one that I've had has wanted those details at the time of interview. So they can fill out the forms straightaway when they've offered me the job.