The Student Room Group
Just try and forget the past, I know it's hard but one day in the future you will be happy again. Try not to think about how you were treated, and although you might find it difficult, try not to tarnish all guys with the same brush. Sure, the guy you dated cheated on you, but not everyone is like that.

Try spending time with friends? Doing something you enjoy. Take your mind off of your ex boyfriend.

I know it's a cliche, but time is a great healer.

Reply 2
I know how you feel. I would try and do things to distract you, but just make sure you don't end up like me and keep all of your feelings in, so your brain goes crazy and overworks.
Although you're probably still feeling quite destroyed by what's happened, in time as you heal you'll feel stronger and stronger, and although what happened sucked big time, you'll be wiser to it happening in the future and what has happened will actually make you better at coping with bad things. In crappy situations all you can do is use them to make you a stronger person. Hope that helps in some way :smile: