The Student Room Group

Feeling Low


I am just fed up with everything and have no idea what to do next :frown:

I have had depression for about 3 years now, this came about from non stop bullying, medical issues going out of control, family stuff and things with my m8s.

I have since then moved away from where most of that is going on. Recently my Psychatrist told me I was suffering from Psychotic Depression. I am on meds and have been reasonably stable for a while now but since about a week ago I have changed for the worst :frown:

I now feel like I am so isolated and misrable its like there is no point in anything anymore. I am in a residental college and there I feel like part of the furniture, people are always asking me for my computer knowledge or a chat or something, infact whenever my name is called somebody wants me to do something for them :mad: I have tried my best to tell them to go come back later when im feeling like turd but these are the sorts that won't take NO for an answer!

I went out with some friends today and we went to pizza hut, it felt like it was the most stressful thing in the world, and these were some of my best friends :frown:

I came home today and my parents had a moan at me and I started to lose my head. I can't remember what it was over but it felt like they had no time for me, apart of me knows thats not true but I cant stop thinking it

Its like wherever I go i feel like I just dont fit in and I feel really low. Ive tried talking to my consillour and psyciatrist but its just not helping, and i dont particularly want to depress my folks because they will worry and put the restrictions on me that they laid down when I last had a very very very low point and harmed myself :frown:

can suggest anything I could try? i woul be very grateful!!

Thanks and sorry to be such a moaning, depressed git lol
why do you say that your counselor and psychiatrist are not helping?
Have you tried sitting down with your best mates and telling them?
Reply 3
How about you take a holiday? That might help you get things straight.
Reply 4
do you do any sports? is there anywhere you could go with a couple of mates and play tennis for an hour or so every few days to take your aggression etc out on the tennis ball rather than letting it build up? that helps me keep a level head and stops me building up my problems for too long
i think the holiday sounds like a good idea, just to clear your mind and get away from your normal environment. also, maybe you can make new friends wherever you go and build a new life from scratch there. who knows, i'm not exactly sure how old you are, but you could go elsewhere to work and start a new life, leave everything, the bullying and your childhood behind? sorry, i really hope your situation improves soon!

I am just fed up with everything and have no idea what to do next :frown:

I have had depression for about 3 years now, this came about from non stop bullying, medical issues going out of control, family stuff and things with my m8s.

I have since then moved away from where most of that is going on. Recently my Psychatrist told me I was suffering from Psychotic Depression. I am on meds and have been reasonably stable for a while now but since about a week ago I have changed for the worst :frown:

I now feel like I am so isolated and misrable its like there is no point in anything anymore. I am in a residental college and there I feel like part of the furniture, people are always asking me for my computer knowledge or a chat or something, infact whenever my name is called somebody wants me to do something for them :mad: I have tried my best to tell them to go come back later when im feeling like turd but these are the sorts that won't take NO for an answer!

I went out with some friends today and we went to pizza hut, it felt like it was the most stressful thing in the world, and these were some of my best friends :frown:

I came home today and my parents had a moan at me and I started to lose my head. I can't remember what it was over but it felt like they had no time for me, apart of me knows thats not true but I cant stop thinking it

Its like wherever I go i feel like I just dont fit in and I feel really low. Ive tried talking to my consillour and psyciatrist but its just not helping, and i dont particularly want to depress my folks because they will worry and put the restrictions on me that they laid down when I last had a very very very low point and harmed myself :frown:

can suggest anything I could try? i woul be very grateful!!

Thanks and sorry to be such a moaning, depressed git lol

Have you ever thought about calling the Samaritans or sending them an email?

They are totally confidential and so you won't have to think about your parents reactions. Plus its more anonymous as you are talking on the phone and can say as little or as much as you want. :smile:

Hope this helps.

Going away for a bit can help. I tried that but it didn't work for me, though it was nice to escape from everyday reality for a bit.

As for your parents, you are not alone. I have issues with my parents because they do not understand my depression. It was them who found me when I attempted suicide so that has pretty much messed up my relationship with them. I also feel that I cannot talk to them as they won't give me 5 minutes of peace (figure of speech but you get my jist) if I explained how I was really feeling. That's just their overprotectiveness though - they nearly lost me once and they don't want it to happen again.

I know what you mean about bullying though. That was what caused my depression. If people can't understand that then they are not worth hanging out with, but if they do then they are good friends and you should treasure that. My friends are some of the most unjudgemental people around, but my parents laughed at me.

Finally, I will second what Markymark7567 said about the Samaritans. They were really helpful when I was at one of my lowest points a couple of weeks ago.

I hope things soon look up for you. :hugs: again.
Reply 8
Thanks guys for you help, I have taken the holiday advice and booked a weeks holiday to see some relatives up north. I think I will give the samaritans ago as well, I have been much much worse than this and I did phone them then and they helped so I think i might give it a go

Thanks for your help :smile:
Reply 9
Thanks guys for you help, I have taken the holiday advice and booked a weeks holiday to see some relatives up north. I think I will give the samaritans ago as well, I have been much much worse than this and I did phone them then and they helped so I think i might give it a go

Thanks for your help :smile:

I know exactly what you mean, though I've not been through exactly the same. If ever you want a rant/feel that you'd rather talk to someone who's not immediate family or a good friend, then I'm here. You have to keep in mind that you will get through it, even if you don't feel that you will. Don't push yourself to do things you don't want, and don't put yourself in stressful situations more than twice a week (or whatever you choose). Then you'll get used to it slowly. Or, you could take up a hobby outside (like go out walking on your holiday) and have some you time. See how you feel. I hope everything works out for you.