The Student Room Group

How to fill out UCAS... Complex situation

How should I fill out my UCAS form ( i know it's not time yet, but just wanted to get some info before hand). Since im sitting 2 AL and 3 AS in November (which isn't quite enough), how should I put it down on my UCAS form? I am thinking of continuing one or two of the AS's and sitting them in June so that I have enough (depends if i get an offer). I want the unis to consider me firstly on the 2AL and 3ASs but then i also want them to know that i'll be thinking of sitting some more A2 in june (as yet undecided) so they can give me offers on those also.

How should i put all this on the ucas form?
Reply 1
How should I fill out my UCAS form ( i know it's not time yet, but just wanted to get some info before hand). Since im sitting 2 AL and 3 AS in November (which isn't quite enough), how should I put it down on my UCAS form? I am thinking of continuing one or two of the AS's and sitting them in June so that I have enough (depends if i get an offer). I want the unis to consider me firstly on the 2AL and 3ASs but then i also want them to know that i'll be thinking of sitting some more A2 in june (as yet undecided) so they can give me offers on those also.

How should i put all this on the ucas form?

anything extra goes in the refernce, if your doing exams at a much later stage then its best to tell your tutor to include that in the refernce alongside predicted grades