The Student Room Group

Drinking (in units, per week)

How much do you drink (in units: 1/2 pint of beer = 1 unit, 1 glass of wine = 1 unit) on nights out?
How many nights out do you have per week (or month)?

anyone worried about their drinking or of someone they love?

i dont drink, but my boyfriend drinks about 6 pints of beer (12 units) when he goes out with friends and that's usually about once a week. anyone think that's too much? he's actually a very cute and funny drunk so as long as he doesn pass out in the middle of the road.. also other than that one time per week (weekends mostly), he never drinks during the week..
he has another friend who i've NEVER seen sober, so i'm still lucky!

just curious what other people's habits were.. :smile:

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6 pints may be way over the recommended limit but there's still plenty of people who can take it. I generally don't get drunk much on nights out though, last time I drank two pints and that was it.
I think he'll be fine lol

I go out about 3/4 times a week and I drink about 4 pints, 1/4 bottle of vodka, and some vodka mixers when im out.

its nothing to be proud of, but I have a good time, my girlfriend can out drink me lol!
up to 10 pints and more on a night out. no set day of going out, just when i do which is at the least once a week.

naa not too much, at this age its normal to go out often and drink more than you should...
the six pints is just the most i've ever seen him drink (when i was with him).. he can take it, he's already built a resistance to drinking, and luckily he's smart enough to stop and go home before he passes out on the road (like his friend-ah that crazy fool).. thanks for your reply btw! :-)
Reply 5
I'm not drinking at all at the moment. I'm a good girl. :wink:
Reply 6
I don't drink to get drunk... I usually stop after about 3 drinks (last night I had 2 and a half). I know friends (girls) who will easily drink way more than 14 units in one night though just to get drunk, which I personally just wouldn't do.
The last time I got drunk was December 2004

in fact, since December 2004, I have been out to nightclubs only twice, and I have been to a times at all (unless you are counting family meal type pubs).

That's quite enough said about's fairly obvious that alcohol damage is not exactly something I have to worry about lol.
I'm pretty boring when it comes to drink, If I'm in a pub I'll either have up to three glasses of white wine (unless im driving when ill just have one) or two rum and cokes, if I'm at a club I'll have the above plus a max of three shots (usually sambuca or vodka) and I only drink twice a week

I think I need to start experiementing a bit more haha
Reply 9
I drank 6 pints last night and 6 the night before? not too much.
Reply 10
I reckon i usually have 15-20 units in one night at least once a week.

The reason being we'll start drinking at 4 or 5pm and keep drinking until midnight and i've developed some tolerance to it. Though I think my tolerance is going a bit as i've cut back, slightly.
Reply 11
6 pints isn't that much, really. Nowhere near enough to worry about IMO.

I go out every Saturday and have 3-5 pints & usually 1-3 shots of Corky's. Last night I had 4 pints & a shot, I think. Maybe 3 pints, can't remember (not because I was drunk, I just have a bad memory :P).
One of the guys i know set himself a challenge to have 200 units of alcohol in a week & he managed to beat it by quite a large margin. I think it was about 242 or something he actually had!! Needless to say, hes a big drinker & has been to hospital to have his stomach pumped at least once. His gf was incredibly worried about his drinking at one point. I dont know how he did it, but if nothing else it meant he had about £2 when he went out the beginning of easter...
Yeah, 20 units isn't much is it? But it is 20 units closer to liver disease/cancer, and its 20 units in money which you could otherwise have spent on holiday/going out/clothes/dvd's etc.

Its all our own choice I guess.

Oh, and alcohol is the worst/most common drug use in date rapeing, did u all know that? No, it will never happen to any of you...
Teetotal :smile:

I used to drink once/twice/sometimes 3 times a week, but not that much on a night (usually a glass of wine or a measure of spirits) but not any more. I do still go out though as you do not need to get drunk to have a good time - and I actually react really badly to alcohol now, hence giving up.
i miss drinking! I can't drink at the moment due to medical reasons. In my first year, I was a huge drinker!Easily would be shots of vodka/whiskey/etc all night.
i miss drinking! I can't drink at the moment due to medical reasons. In my first year, I was a huge drinker!Easily would be shots of vodka/whiskey/etc all night.

Yeah, my not drinking is medical reasons too. Methinks we're needing a war on depression.
Reply 17
On a silly night out.. probably 18 units.. I don't tend to binge like this anymore. It's much too expensive.. plus i'd actually be completely off my face after that.

These days.. it depends.. i try to say no more than 12, as im not handling drink too well atm.
Reply 18
On a night out (once or twice a week):

Predrinks - Half a bottle of 28 unit JD (14 units)

At the club - 4 x double vodka and mixer (8 units?)

So around 22 units for a heavy night out.

Night at the pub will be about 6 - 8 pints: (12 - 16 units)
6 pints is nothing! you have nothing to worry about.
on an average night out we drink about 30 units.