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CITY University London OR Queen Mary, University of London?

Hello Everyone,

I recently got accepted into the LLB (2-YR Senior Status) program at both City University, London and Queen Mary, University of London. I already have a Masters degree so I am looking to determine which university would be the best fit for based on academic history. I have heard conflicting stories regarding City U which leaves me to wonder how strong the Law Program would be and how highly regarded it would be in London and internationally? I am looking for some insights into City University Law School- reputation in the Senior Status LLB program.

Thanks very much!
Reply 1
I can't tell you much about the uni themselves but I can tell you that QM is almost certainly more reputable and popular than city. city strikes me as a markedly average law school. QM is meant to be a good one and is on the rise too. It'd be interesting to read what others have to write.
Reply 2
I find myself begrudgingly agreeing with mensan1, not something I intend to make a habit off. QMUL is distinguishable from City by its reputation. If I had your choice id choose QMUL.
Reply 3
The Rugger Bugger
I find myself begrudgingly agreeing with mensan1

You're getting there young grasshopper!
Reply 4
Grasshopper this...:bootyshak
Reply 5
I will choose QMUL.
Reply 6
QMUL has a better reputation that City for undergraduate LLBs.

However, at the graduate level it is very widely believed that the City CPE has the best reputation at the Bar, and I believe their senior status LLB is also very highly regarded. So if you're going down the Bar route I would say DEFINITELY go for City. Also, you can get onto the ICSL BVC with any UK qualifying law degree (including QMUL).
Reply 7

As a fellow Canadian applying for law school post-grad, I also looked into the QMUL 2 year LLB as one of my options and had the opportunity to visit the campus in March. The campus itself is quite nice and faculty of law building is very modern, similar to a university like Ryerson, although the library left something to be desired. The neighborhood of Mileend is a lot like Scarborough, but much closer to the Central part of the city.

My understanding is that the school's reputation for Law is good, probably equivalent to a school like Western or Windsor in Ontario, and that are particularly well known for their centre for commercial law.

Good luck with your decision.
Queen Mary's research is excellent.
Reply 9
QMUL has a better reputation that City for undergraduate LLBs.

However, at the graduate level it is very widely believed that the City CPE has the best reputation at the Bar, and I believe their senior status LLB is also very highly regarded. So if you're going down the Bar route I would say DEFINITELY go for City. Also, you can get onto the ICSL BVC with any UK qualifying law degree (including QMUL).

I fail to understand the relevance of this post to the thread. The OP wants to pursue an LLB. This therefore has no connection to either the CPE or the BVC.

In which case, a Queen Mary LLB would definitely be much more highly rated than a City one.

When it then comes to professional training, I'm sure you're right, City is excellent. Other people have mentioned this to me as well, so it would corroborate with what you're saying.

However, I don't think it would be unfair to say that if one wanted to enter the Bar, then it would be better if the OP got her LLB from neither.

For me though, definitely QM.
Reply 10
It is relevant because the OP asked specifically whether it would be possible to do the BVC at ICSL having done an LLB at QM.

I should probably explain what I said. The OP doesn't just want to do a normal undergaduate LLB, she wants to take it as a conversion course. Also, she specified that she wants to become a barrister. The City conversion courses (CPE and Senior Status LLB) have the best reputation amongst pupillage providers in the country. This is not just a personal opinion - take a look at the lists of junior tenants on chambers' websites who have converted at City, and the types of tutors and visiting lecturers who only teach on the postgraduate courses.

I totally agree that the QMUL undergrad LLB has the better overall reputation, and if she wanted to become a solicitor it would probably be better to go for QMUL too. But the OP isn't talking about taking the LLB as a first degree, and she specifically said she wants to go to the Bar where City has a very special reputation. But as I said, not for undergraduate LLBs.

I really don't mean this comment offensively at all, but generally the people on this forum are only familiar with undergraduate courses, and graduate law courses are a whole different matter.
Reply 12
CITY UNIVERSITY, you can even do you BAR vocational course there. I think many of the other replies are based on hearsay and misconception. City is excellent for law and as I said you can do the degree and the BAR course there also. Does Queen Mary offer the BAR course...
Frankly, taking the BVC at the same university where you took your LLB isn't a particularly important thing, as far as I know. Given that neither Oxford nor Cambridge offer this, I wouldn't be too worked up about it.

I'm at QMUL, taking the LLB as my second degree. I know a number of people doing the 2-year programme having completed canadiam masters degrees, and they love it. QM has an outstanding mooting programme, great pro bono, a top-class teaching faculty and tutoring system, and a much stronger reputation than City (this is based on the opinions of my tutors who are also recruiters for their firms/chambers). Also, the University of London degree that you'll get from QM will be internationally recognized, and the degree from City will be much less so.

I'm the current moot master at QM, so I know a fair amount about what goes on behind the scenes in the law department. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk more about the university (I live near campus, so if you're planning to visit I'd be happy to talk to you about the QM experience)
Reply 14
QM has quite a number distinguished book writers there. You might want to consider this.
Reply 15
Hello Everyone,

I recently got accepted into the LLB (2-YR Senior Status) program at both City University, London and Queen Mary, University of London. I already have a Masters degree so I am looking to determine which university would be the best fit for based on academic history. I have heard conflicting stories regarding City U which leaves me to wonder how strong the Law Program would be and how highly regarded it would be in London and internationally? I am looking for some insights into City University Law School- reputation in the Senior Status LLB program.

Thanks very much!

hi! :smile:
which one did you pick? :/
im having a tough time deciding whether to go for city ,royal holloway or surrey. im not really keen on queen mary for some strange reason :woo:
Reply 16
I will choose QMUL.

WHY? reason please?