The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
If there's trespass or a complaint made to the police about disturbance then yes, they should be prevented.

At the moment, however, the police seem not to care all that much so long as you keep yourselves to yourselves. That's been my experience around my part of the country anyway.
Reply 2
To be honest, I don't see what's wrong with them as long as they're not trespassing or causing disturbance to others.

My brother used to be into DJ-ing at them, and the police would occasionally come and ask them to leave, (they had been known to have them in abandoned warehouses and things), but they'd generally not arrest anyone unless they were making trouble.
Reply 3
Just wish I got invited :wink:

I feel past it.
Reply 4
Well I don't understand why some people are so against raves, such as ones in the forest etc if there are no buildings nearby and they clean up after themselves.

Personally I hate the club scene going on these days, lots of drunk people, in crowded, smoky rooms, you can hardly dance and the music is mostly crap.

In forest raves there's fresh air, as much space as you want, without all the violence that alcohol causes. People on drugs are hardly violent and everyone just minds their own business.
Reply 5
Judging by watching illegal ravers on the news from time to time they don't look too appealing.
I can tell you that they are ****ing amazing. Do not condemn it without going to one. I can't wait til my next one!
Reply 7
Been to two, enjoyed them thoroughly.
Reply 8
If there's trespass or illigal drugs (Not so hot on this point, but that's the law) or they leave the site a mess, then intervene. Else, no.
Well if they are trespassing, causing a disturbance and doing illegal drugs then yes they should be stopped.
Reply 10
It's my life
Well if they are trespassing, causing a disturbance and doing illegal drugs then yes they should be stopped.

OK. I live in London where there is an active squat rave scene (many going on on any one weekend). They are illegal in 95% of cases. You need a licence to play loud music and have a bar selling alcohol. They have neither.

I'd guestimate that about 90% of people at squats are doing drugs. About 70% are doing class As (usually pills or acid, though ketamine and coke are also found...they tend to be crack and heroin free...ive never seen either at a squat). Half the point of a squat is it provides a cool enviornment to take and sell a load of drugs without the fear of being kicked out or looked down on. You can be openly mashed.
The vibe at squats is 90% of the time idyllic. Everyone there is out to have a really good time (noone standing around the edge of the dancefloor with a drink in their hand like at every club). It's lke the spirit of the 60s brought back. They are extremely safe places and every group of people is minently approachable.

Oftentimes police will turn up but will sit outside in their squad car for the duration, just in case. They dont go in because of a (misguided) perception that it is too dangerous to do so. Also, the police are not at all bothered by people doing illegal drugs. If they were that bothered they'd get 100 cops down and raid the places early on (if the public knows where they're happening, the police can find out too :rolleyes: ). It wouldnt surprise me if they placed undercover police though to track big time dealers and the odd gang at bigger squats.

(I actually prefer the classier clubs in London to a squat. If you live in London you get the best dance music in the world played week in, week out. If you dont live in arent really living. :biggrin:)
Reply 12
Agony Aunt
Well I don't understand why some people are so against raves, such as ones in the forest etc if there are no buildings nearby and they clean up after themselves.

Personally I hate the club scene going on these days, lots of drunk people, in crowded, smoky rooms, you can hardly dance and the music is mostly crap.

In forest raves there's fresh air, as much space as you want, without all the violence that alcohol causes. People on drugs are hardly violent and everyone just minds their own business.

Erm... nothing against them, but your post here seems a bit delusional. I can see all the ravers now... "OK, that's us finished for the night, hey Nigel, pick up your cup you dropped over there now, we want to be able to come back here you know."

The "club scene" that you describe does not sound even close to any clubs I go to. They are not smokey, there are really very few people who are far too drunk and a "room" just doesn't come close to describing the shape and size of the main club areas.

And "people on drugs are hardly violent" :rolleyes: :confused:
Reply 13
I've never been to one, and really want to go :frown:
Reply 14
I've never been to one, and really want to go :frown:

Neither have I, though in truth I am rather indifferent to the proposition.
Reply 15
Maybe we could do a squat rave after the D&D meet :biggrin:
Reply 16
when, where, women?

anybody go to the raindance festivals in london a few months ago?
Reply 17
If there's trespass or illigal drugs (Not so hot on this point, but that's the law) or they leave the site a mess, then intervene. Else, no.

Wow, I'd sure love to go to one of your parties... *cough*
Reply 18
Wow, I'd sure love to go to one of your parties... *cough*

Don't knock it 'till you've tried it :P

And "people on drugs are hardly violent" :rolleyes: :confused:

That's right. No need to be confused. Nobody on pills or acid are going to be a danger to ANYONE.
In fact alcohol is the drug which induces the most violence.
Maybe coke and weed for about 5% of users brings out violence.

When was the last time you saw a (non-alcohol) drug user get violent?
When was the last tine you saw a drug user?