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Reply 1
I generally didn't do anything about it due to being too shy and figuring if they liked me they should do the asking. But then I met a guy who I couldn't shake from my mind for about a year so I made myself available and kept asking him out.......
Reply 2
best thread award goes to you!

about time there was a thread that all guys can relate to in some way. There are too many threads about period troubles, breast size, i.e., female only zones.

I walways personally thought, that touching was the biggest sign, like a hand on the arm or chest or a cheeky bodily grope (the stuff you girls can get away with is unreal!)

Additionally, grinding whilst dancing, a sign of liking someone or just the norm?
Reply 3
Erm, welcome to every day of my life?

Nothing. Ignore it. Assume he hasn't noticed I exist. It's probably true.
Reply 4
I would opt for lots of flirting and inviting him to various things that I'll be doing, try to hang out together, cheeky compliments. Make it pretty obvious that I like him and see if he makes a move of some sort. If these things are reciprocated, I'd take it that he's interested too, and try to develop it. If he gives no signals whatsoever, I would assume he wasn't interested.
Reply 5
Erm, welcome to every day of my life?

Nothing. Ignore it. Assume he hasn't noticed I exist. It's probably true.

Same. But I also watch from a distance and become highly uncoordinated around him.
From the replies so far it sounds as if you're talking about guys in clubs/bars. How do you get away with a sneaky grope or close dancing if the guy you like is from work/college? :s-smilie: Would be a bit wierd I think to start dancing pressed up to his crotch if he's on the till! :biggrin:
Reply 6
Would be a bit wierd I think to start dancing pressed up to his crotch if he's on the till! :biggrin:

Reply 7
I usually just smile more if I fancy someone.. and often I end up focusing on them more, even if they don't seem to notice me in that way.
Reply 8
only 4 women prepared to spill the beans ???
Reply 9
get over it and move on. He probally wasn't worth my time anway. Life is too short to moap around asking "what IF he notcied me...?"

This is why I can't get a decent guy ...
Reply 10
I'm fairly shy when it comes to guys I like so I might smile at them occasionally and maybe flirt very very lightly...but that usually sounds stupid coming from me! If I've been drinking I'll be a bit more open, ie. hugging them, touching them more etc. Although actually if they show no signs of liking me sometimes I'll ignore them more for fear of looking silly or being humiliated :redface: so yeah, a mixture of things really! xx
Reply 11

Nothing. Ignore it. Assume he hasn't noticed I exist. It's probably true.


I become really shy and usually end up trying to pay more attention to my friends and end up with little glances and trying to ignore them
Reply 12
get over it and move on. He probally wasn't worth my time anway. Life is too short to moap around asking "what IF he notcied me...?"

This is why I can't get a decent guy ...

or maybe he is just as shy as you.....being shy sucks :-(
Reply 13
I would try being a little flirty towards him and see if he flirts back or makes some sort of move,If not I'd get the idea he isn't intrested and move on. :P
Reply 14
If they don't notice me, just try harder but not like stalker ess lol normally the txting/meeting/ringing them goes up. Like gRaDiUs said "bodiliy" contact rises, sit close a lot. Smile more, general flirtation. But knowing me it'll end up getting too drunk with them doing something stupid and it'll end up in one of 3 ways 1) do something silly have him regretting in the morning nothing more insues and move on 2) say something will happen then it just fizzles out of the illusive number 3) get together have a damn good time.

People say you should just move on but tbh guys are probably jsut as nervous as us about the whole thing, though it is hard to tell when guys like you or if they are jsut being nice....yes thats right girls guys can act as friends too lol

Amz xxx
I always make it painfully obvious. I never mean to. It just..always is :redface:
Reply 16
If a girl from my work is anything to go by, they pester you into giving them your number and then pester you into agreeing to go for a drink. I am, however, quite looking forward to being nagged into dropping my trousers.
Reply 17
If a girl from my work is anything to go by, they pester you into giving them your number and then pester you into agreeing to go for a drink. I am, however, quite looking forward to being nagged into dropping my trousers.

Reply 18
Originally Posted by 3232
If a girl from my work is anything to go by, they pester you into giving them your number and then pester you into agreeing to go for a drink. I am, however, quite looking forward to being nagged into dropping my trousers.

Originally Posted by Headshock

lol you never know
I'm generally quite standoffish anyway. And a bit too old fashioned perhaps. So if they don't ask, they defo don't get.