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It is not safe at all. Cutting the blood supply off to skin will cause necrosis(cell death) but you will probably need amputation or excision of the affected skin, it won't simply 'rub' off, and you would probably need skin grafts to cover the damaged tissue. You would get very bad scarring and i wouldn't recommend it at all. It would also be blood painful.

Whats the point of all this? If you have excess bodyfat, diet/exercise. If you have excess skin, the only safe way to remove it is to have plastic surgery.
Reply 2
It is not safe at all. Cutting the blood supply off to skin will cause necrosis(cell death) but you will probably need amputation or excision of the affected skin, it won't simply 'rub' off, and you would probably need skin grafts to cover the damaged tissue. You would get very bad scarring and i wouldn't recommend it at all. It would also be blood painful.

Whats the point of all this? If you have excess bodyfat, diet/exercise. If you have excess skin, the only safe way to remove it is to have plastic surgery.

I think you may have misunderstood slightly.
Is it safe to tie a bit of string around these to cut the blood supply off? And then pick or rub em off?

Do you mean skin tags or something? Just go to see the doc they usually have skin clinics running. My other half goes to one regularly.
Do you mean skin tags or something? Just go to see the doc they usually have skin clinics running. My other half goes to one regularly.

Skin tags, that's the word, thanks. I will consider a skin clinic. What do they do there to your other half?
Skin tags, that's the word, thanks. I will consider a skin clinic. What do they do there to your other half?

They map your body for moles and keep an eye on them and remove skin tags for free.

Definitely go, they know what they're doing.
They map your body for moles and keep an eye on them and remove skin tags for free.

Definitely go, they know what they're doing.

Sounds amazing, thanks.

It is not safe at all. Cutting the blood supply off to skin will cause necrosis(cell death) but you will probably need amputation or excision of the affected skin, it won't simply 'rub' off, and you would probably need skin grafts to cover the damaged tissue. You would get very bad scarring and i wouldn't recommend it at all. It would also be blood painful.

Whats the point of all this? If you have excess bodyfat, diet/exercise. If you have excess skin, the only safe way to remove it is to have plastic surgery.

I love the idea of tying a load of rope really tightly around your gut and hoping for it to turn black and drop off :smile: (not that that's what you meant but it gave me the idea). Thanks for the reply anyway, I appreciate people trying to help.
They map your body for moles and keep an eye on them and remove skin tags for free.

Definitely go, they know what they're doing.

errr, are you in the UK...or somewhere like australia..?
Reply 8
I know someone with skin tags who had to go to the dermatology department at hospital and have them burned off (ouch!) They will not treat them on the NHS unless they are particularly disfiguring or in a place where they cause problems. I believe you can tie them off with a thread but it hurts!
Reply 9
errr, are you in the UK...or somewhere like australia..?

It looks like they are in Sheffield! Hardly the sun capital of the world!
I have tiny tiny little ones of my neck, maybe two of them. I like them, I wouldn't cut them off!!