The Student Room Group
Salt water soaks?
my one is ok
it swelled up but i just put a bigger bar in.
wash it reguarlly.and go back to see ur specialist about it at the place u had it done.
Reply 3
My tragus piercing was the best one I had in terms of healing and pain, so I can't recommend anything from personal experience, but when other piercings have played up I've found salt water irritates them so I use soapy water. Be careful not to get shampoo or hair product in it if you can help it.
Reply 4
I have my tragus pierced. Tis buff.

I also have my belly button pierced and that is not going too well. I recently posted a thread similar to this one, and the general response was to use a salt water solution twice daily on it. I am in the process of doing so, so I cannot tell you whether it has worked or not yet, but I can tell you that the majority of people said to use salt water.

Reply 5
I got a Helix one, its damn annoying! Took ages to heal, then when it was jsut about donw i went and got it ripped in a club.. ouch. One late night and hospital visit later they kept insisted i take it out... not a chance!

Had it about 7 months now and its still got the lump at the back. I just cant be assed getting rid of it, dosent hurt or anything.

Just wish i could sleep on my left side sometimes :P
Had a tragus piercing for about six weeks and it's seriously overgranulating.
Doesn't really hurt or anything, just looks a bit gross!
Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can help it to heal?
Thanks xx

Probably best like a lot of people have said is to clean it twice daily with salt water and fresh cotton buds each time you clean rather than dipping the same cotton bud into your home-made saline solution (not like you would:p: )
If it doesn't get better definitely go back to your piercist they can give you the best advice.

I have my tragus pierced it was the quickest one to heal out of the 6 that I have. Although it did bleed profusely when I accidently slept on it the day I got it done :wink: it's been well behaved.

what really helped my tragus piercing from going a bit gritty to being fine, was changing to a thinner bar which was easier to move about, so stuff didnt get stuck behind it so much. but....this did involve ignoring the piercers advice about not changing the jewellery for some stupidly long period of time! (maybe a year did they say, i cant quite remember)
although definitely do not try putting a normal (ear lobe) stud through it to see if it works. this results in the stud migrating to somewhere inside your swelled up tragus, which you then have to push it out through a layer of skin. thats right, im an idiot!
Reply 8
Thanks for the help guys.

I was cleaning / soaking it twice a day but I just went back to my piercers and he told me that I should only be cleaning it once or twice a week now, and that I was stopping it from healing by cleaning it so often...

Struck me as a little odd since everything I've read has said the opposite but hey, he's the expert, not me.

What does everyone think about this? xx
Reply 9
Well, I'd continue cleaning 2x a day with hot sea salt water, possibly a little stronger than usual. That usually gets rid of any scarring I have. There are a few more slightly dodgy methods that have worked for quite a few people, but try at your own risk, I guess. Making a paste out of crushed aspirin and applying that for a bit each day sometimes can help, although it's better on oral piercings. Soaking the piercing with a warm chamomile tea bag is often recommended for nose piercings (which often develop scarring or boils) and I know they've helped people I know.

I tend to stick to regular sea salt soaks and that clears it up.

Also, if you're using a CBR possibly get it changed to a barbell.
My helix (and conch actually) took over a year before the granuloma disappeared.. its pretty normal to take a while. my advice would be to cut back a bit on the soaks as they can prevent the bodys natural defenses from working properly. just once every day or every other day.. boiled water with 1/4 tspn rock salt.. nice and warm.

do make sure you've got a barbel and not a ring... make sure its the right size, and titanium.
I do have a ring.. It's titanium.. I'm not keen on trying to get it changed cos part of the nasty lump has kinda grown over the ring a little.. :s xx
Reply 12
I do have a ring.. It's titanium.. I'm not keen on trying to get it changed cos part of the nasty lump has kinda grown over the ring a little.. :s xx

Doesn't that kinda tell you that you probably should get it changed to a barbell? :P
Haha I guess, it hurts like hell if I accidently move the ring though! xx
Reply 14
I'd take the piercer's advice if they told you not to wash it so much then. They do know best, after all. Or maybe wash it slightly more than they say but make sure you dry it thoroughly afterwards. My navel piercing infection went away and it healed pretty quickly when I stopped paying so much attention to it, so maybe washing it less is a good idea.