The Student Room Group
It is personal choice what you do on a first date, you do whatever you feel comfortable in doing.
I do whatever I wanna do at the time.
Reply 3
i think its up to urself and the connection u have with ur date. sometimes u thnk ud do sumthing and when the time comes to it u cn shock urself. but thats not a bad thng mabey it allows u to see a lil bit more bout urself. and dont call urself a stop out dont put urself down for it u did nuthign wrong.
perhaps u jst dont want anythign serious jst now and are up for just having fun! nuthign wrong there and u aint the only person who has done it.
Reply 4
Are you not allowed anything serious after 'stopping over' on the first date then?
Reply 5
Are you not allowed anything serious after 'stopping over' on the first date then?

nvr meant that im jst saying! of course u can.
I did whatever I felt like doing. There isn't a set tick box per date. :smile: don't feel bad about it.

oooooh no I do NOT feel bad about it. Quite the opposite. Walk of shame? NO!!! WALK OF PRIDE MAN. WALK OF PRIDE!
Reply 7
Between the "txt tlkin" and the term "stop out", I'm lost. Can someone explain?
I quote one of my best friends (this was before I knew her but it made me laugh anyway...)

On a Myspace bulletin:
Q: How far would you go on a first date?
Her answer: Guildford... maybe Basingstoke!

I say that every first date is different and thus it depends. :smile:
Reply 9
I think stop out = stop over? Ie stayed over the night? Might be wrong though.
Reply 10
I quote one of my best friends (this was before I knew her but it made me laugh anyway...)

On a Myspace bulletin:
Q: How far would you go on a first date?
Her answer: Guildford... maybe Basingstoke!

How about Reading... or would that be too far? :wink:
Reply 11
Between the "txt tlkin" and the term "stop out", I'm lost. Can someone explain?

'Stop out' = Stayed over at another person's house, generally while riding them like a horse.
Reply 12
Ah, I do like you 3232, you paint a pretty picture.

Well, so long as you aren't going around doing this on every date with each guy then you should be fine, 'cause people have names for that sort.
How about Reading... or would that be too far? :wink:

I'd have to ask her, but almost certainly.
I've been to Reading with her many times :p:

... oh why is this only funny to me!? (and maybe 1 other TSR member?)
Are you not allowed anything serious after 'stopping over' on the first date then?

how many serious relationships are born out ofa first date screw? not many.

fact is you need the 'chasing time' in order to get to know each other properly before sex/physical stuff gets in the way/complicates matters
I quote one of my best friends (this was before I knew her but it made me laugh anyway...)

On a Myspace bulletin:
Q: How far would you go on a first date?
Her answer: Guildford... maybe Basingstoke!

I say that every first date is different and thus it depends. :smile:

Ooh, where does she live?

Basingstoke certainly is a romantic place... :rolleyes:

To the OP:

It totally depends on the people involved and the situation. Arguably if you wait to get to know the person a bit before sleeping with them, you might be more likely to have a successful relationship, if that's what you want. I'm not saying that if you sleep with someone immediately, you won't, but more that there are some people you might want to sleep with on the first date, but not actually like that much once you've got to know them a bit better. That said, most people don't wait longer than a couple of months even if they do want to get to know the person first, and in my experience if you don't know the person before you get together with them and they do have a bit of a nasty side, this probably won't materialise before you've been together a while and slept together anyway. And if you have a good relationship with someone, chances are it won't make a difference whether you slept together on the first date, or after a year. The main argument for waiting, in my opinion, is that if someone is a total waste of space, this tends to show fairly quickly, so waiting a couple of weeks gives you more of a chance to realise this and get rid!
Apricot Fairy
Ooh, where does she live?

Basingstoke certainly is a romantic place... :rolleyes:

Aldershot - hardly the most romantic place on earth, it has to be said...:p:

And I agree with what you said - I mean, if I started going out with someone right now who I'd not known before the relationship, I wouldn't do anything for quite a bit, just so I knew what they were like. Then, in contrast, things happened quite quickly in my last proper relationship since he and I had been good friends for while before we'd got together, so I knew him as a person properly.
That said, I've not been in a relationship that involves going on properly formal 'dates' for a good 3 years, so what would I know :p: :smile: