The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Gadget shops sell drink holders disguised as mobile phones, try that
Reply 2
Could you not decant some vodka into an Evian bottle? That's how we got our whole cupboard of (clear) spirits through a no-alcohol checkpoint :s-smilie:
Anyone any ideas on how to sneak alcohol into concerts where they are checking for booze etc.? Apparently we are allowed unbroken bottles (i.e. the 'untamper' thing still in place etc.)

Also, before the joke is made, no my rectum is not an option :smile:

Thanks in advance

Was about to suggest taking untampered bottles in, until I realised what you meant!:p:
It would be such a hastle checking for untampered bottles surely?
Those sandals above seem like a goodish idea, though it depends on the sort of concert it is! Don't wanna be in a mosh pit wearing those really!
I was going to suggest the same as someone above- vodka in a water bottle.
I think the OP was asking for alternatives to the classic, because the bottles are being checked for broken seals when brought in:s-smilie:
Reply 7
Gadget shops sell drink holders disguised as mobile phones, try that

Do they really do that? I never knew of that.
Reply 8
Stick it in your pants or something.
Reply 9
Do they really do that? I never knew of that.

yep, they most certainly do:wink:
Reply 10
yep, they most certainly do:wink:

Wow lol^
just a hip flask hidden in your trousers?
Reply 12
Hip flask all the way!

Men who drink from them are sexy....
Reply 13
your rectum.
half bottle of spirits (those flattish ones) down the side of your shoe/sock, and wear baggy long jeans - sorted
If you are looking to sneak booze into festivals. Quite often putting it into a water bottle simply just doesn't work because they can tell the seal has been broken. There is quite an awesome way around this however.
Here's an instructional video that will show you exactly how to sneak in vodka/gin/white rum into a water bottle with no questions asked and the seal remaining completely unbroken.