I'll just give you all the gist of this. I'm over 19 and a half, I've never had a proper girlfriend, the longest "relationship" I've had being three days, and no matter what I try, I'm always heading towards the future I've foreseen - alone, bitter, and hateful towards the world.
I go to the places in the city where a rocker like me might be able to meet someone, and still, it all ends the same - I'm always the "good friend" who only gets the hug or the kiss on the cheek at the end of the night for looking after, and it's killing me. If nothing drastic changes soon, I may well end up drinking myself into oblivion, or worse.
Someone help, please. Because the "friends" I've had, who've said they'd try to help have done nothing for me. In fact, they've often done the opposite - make sure they get some in front of me to make me even more so depressed.