The Student Room Group

Appealing after application for scholarship was rejected

I'd like to get some advice, please.

I applied for many scholarships some months ago and one of the organizations replied. I went through an interview then a few weeks later, an assessment. I didn't do well at the assessment. It included IQ tests (which are time bound, of course) and a couple of group projects. I think I faired well in the group project but did terribly in the IQ tests.

There were 4000 applicants for the scholarship. 80 were shortlisted for the interview. Then I was part of the 37 who were shortlisted for the assessment. 4/37 applied for undergraduate studies. The remaining 33 were applying for A-levels/foundation. I was one of the 4. I know another one of us 4 was also rejected. I do not know what the outcome was for the other 2. There are 2 more rounds of interviews for the rest of them to go through.

I've read and heard that IQ tests do not assess a person's true intelligence at it is limited to just a few areas of one's intelligence. I want to put to them an argument that IQ tests aren't everything and that I have qualities..etc I really don't know how to start on my letter of appeal. So some advice or even a sample letter of appeal (I wish!) would really be appreciated.

The organization has ++++++ of money to spare and they never have a set number of scholarships that they have to give out. They can give out as many as they like because of the endless (not really but you get what I mean) funds that they have..

I wasn't sure where to place this thread but since scholarships have to do with finance, I thought this the most suitable place. Hope I haven't got it wrong! :s

TIA for any help.
Reply 1
Dont be a muppet. They are under no obligation to give you a scholarship.

Perhaps they didn't like your shoes. Perhaps you failed the IQ test. Perhaps your boobs aren't the right size. Who knows....

But you certainly have no 'right' to money based on how much cash they have. You're not the inland revenue.
Reply 2
They're under no obligation but I want to write a letter of appeal, which I know they will read. There's no harm in trying and so I want to try.

Never mind my thread. My eldest brother has offered to help with the letter writing.