So, I'm coming to England this fall for uni and I need some help with English slang!
Having read the TSR and other forums where students write in, time and time again people will use slang when describing anything from residents, areas of a city, people, etc., that I'm not familiar with.
Please help a Canadian out!
I can't think of all the words that I've come across, but the one's that come to mind are as follows.
((Please add to the list - it all helps!))
Slang words:
*Chav (or Shav, I can't think of the spelling) = ?
*Wellies (again, not sure of the spelling) = ?
*"Cheese" music = ? (I *think* it's pop music from what I can make out, but not sure)
********s! = ? (I think it's used as in, "that's *******s!" but it means nothing to me)
The above are what I can think of at the moment, I'll post some more as I remember.
Thanks for your help!