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Edexcel Russian A-Level *everyone who is doing it please come here*

Here are Queen of Spades (Пиковая Дам&#1072:wink: questions from 2002 and 2003.

(a) Objasnite, pochemu Germann shodit s uma. Vam udivitel'no, chto on takim obrazom reagiruet na to, chto sluchaet'sya v konce rasskaza?
(b) "I Lizavetta Ivanovna i grafinya - trogatel'nye personazhi". Vy soglasny/ne soglasny s etim mneniem? Vam zhal' obeih?

>>Now, I'd go for (a). There's a lot of scope for discussion. Germann is a more prominent character, and there is more info in the book about him.

(a) Kto takoi Germann? Vy schitaete ego plohim chelovekom?
(b) Kto takaya grafinya? Po-vashemu, ona igraet vazhnuyu rol' v povesti?

>> Uhmm...I suppose I'd ... no, actually, I don't know which one I'd answer. If we do (a) then we'd have to outline WHO he is, and why he could be seen as a bad man, and why he can be defended. I can't actually remember what he worked as or anything'm rereading it on friday!

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Reply 1
And here is a thread from another forum, where I briefly talked about The Queen of Spades and The Inspector General. There are some links to some short essays by russian students in Russia.

Russian Literature, from

The Dishwasher
Гоголь - Ревизор
Пушкин - Пиковая Дама

Про Ревизора (мама, как нелегко читался!!!): почему все в конце так ахнули, неужель у них всё успело распаться после того как Хлестунов отчалил? И что, он на дочке жениться совсем не собирался?

Пиковая дама мне понравилась (Пушкин - вообще супе&#1088:wink: но вопрос(&#1099:wink:: по-вашему, Германну графиня причудилась (имхо он стал сходить с ума сразу после того, как ему рассказали про тайн&#1091:wink: илиж она явилась и нарочно его провела?
И любил ли Германн Лизавету? Мне её было так жаль ....

Кто нибудь тут сдаёт/сдавал Русский A-Level? И есть сайты с инфой/рефератами по произведениям/персонажам?
Мя вообще русскую литературу не любит...
Arbeit Macht Frei!


я думаю графиня приходила к Герману, но проводить она его не хотела. Он сам не выполнил её просьбу. И Лизавету он наверно любил, до того как помешался.

Читал я её давно, так что могу что-нибудь путать.
Senseless search for meaning of life

The Dishwasher

Он сам не выполнил её просьбу. И Лизавету он наверно любил, до того как помешался.

Да, мне тоже так кажется. Но есть 2-ой (хоть и менее фантастичны&#1081:wink: вариант: Германн начал сходить с ума с того момента как Томский ему рассказал про тайну: выигрыш - всё о чём он думал. Смерть графини его чуток столкнула, и вот той ночью ему причудилось, что она ему раскрыла тайну, когда на самом деле его больной мозг просто взял тройку, семёрку, туза с потолка...Дважды было просто совпадение, а в 3-ий раз ему не повезло....
А Лизу он по моему любил, ведь после первого письма он с немецкого больше не переводил...но его любовь к деньгам была намного сильней. Так что он её забыл, а потом окончательно свихнулся.

Но тогда совпадений слишком много получается. Ведь не просто так он нашёл дом графини, неее, наверняка там что-то было, например с дьяволом.

Мораль? Про любовь не забывай, когда есть случай выиграть? Храни слово?

Кстати насчет рефератов. Они имеются на, к примеру, , только надо фильровать. Обычно я пользовался печатными изданиями вроде "Все герои произведений" и т.п. - качество гарантируется, инету я не так доверяю.

Vot tak vam...
Izvenyaus', UKL chtoto bredit, i ne pishet bukvy...nadeyus', chto vse ponyatno.
Reply 2
The Dishwasher
Here are Queen of Spades (Пиковая Дам&#1072:wink: questions from 2002 and 2003.

(a) Objasnite, pochemu Germann shodit s uma. Vam udivitel'no, chto on takim obrazom reagiruet na to, chto sluchaet'sya v konce rasskaza?
(b) "I Lizavetta Ivanovna i grafinya - trogatel'nye personazhi". Vy soglasny/ne soglasny s etim mneniem? Vam zhal' obeih?

>>Now, I'd go for (a). There's a lot of scope for discussion. Germann is a more prominent character, and there is more info in the book about him.

(a) Kto takoi Germann? Vy schitaete ego plohim chelovekom?
(b) Kto takaya grafinya? Po-vashemu, ona igraet vazhnuyu rol' v povesti?

>> Uhmm...I suppose I'd ... no, actually, I don't know which one I'd answer. If we do (a) then we'd have to outline WHO he is, and why he could be seen as a bad man, and why he can be defended. I can't actually remember what he worked as or anything'm rereading it on friday!

hi, do we have to answer a) and b) in one questionn or do we have to answer 2 questions?
Reply 3

You have to answer EITHER (a) OR (b) from one topic, answering 2 topics.
Reply 4
The Dishwasher

You have to answer EITHER (a) OR (b) from one topic, answering 2 topics.

thats crap,lol, ive just printed out pikovaya dama and gona read it i think, might as well get something out of that exam,,,
Reply 5
I've read it, but I can't remember any quotes. :rolleyes:
It's a good book, though.

So yeah, you should only have 2 essays on 2 different topics. Don't go writing 4!
Reply 6
The Dishwasher
I've read it, but I can't remember any quotes. :rolleyes:
It's a good book, though.

So yeah, you should only have 2 essays on 2 different topics. Don't go writing 4!

ive tried to read it but ive got an english exam on monday too,, do u think 3hours to read pikovaya dama is enough?

i dont suppose you could just give me an overview of what you have read so i know the summary of it and hopefully i can get sum marks enough for an E ?and then get an A or B on unit6

hey two of the topics will be on modern russia and a a city of your choice right?

bloody hell, i think il fail that exam,,
Reply 7
ive tried to read it but ive got an english exam on monday too,, do u think 3hours to read pikovaya dama is enough?

i dont suppose you could just give me an overview of what you have read so i know the summary of it and hopefully i can get sum marks enough for an E ?and then get an A or B on unit6

hey two of the topics will be on modern russia and a a city of your choice right?

bloody hell, i think il fail that exam,,

i read it in 45 minutes
Reply 8
i read it in 45 minutes

thats ok then,
u alrite about it?
Reply 9
Pikovaya Dama...
Sut' takova:
Narod igraet v karty, i Tomskii rasskazyvaet priyatelem pro odnu tainu, v kakoi-to tam igre. Koroche chtoto vrode ego babushka uznala kakoi-to sekret, i vyigrala uimu deneg. Germann, (glav. personazh, nemec) v karty NE igraet, tol'ko nablyudaet, i delit. No vot istoria Tomskogo zasela u nego v bashke. I tut nachinaetsya...

Tainu znaet tol'ko odin chelovek - Grafinya, i Germann hochet ot nee eto uznat'. Grafinya ochen' stara, no u nee est' molodaya vospitannica, Lizavetta Ivanovna. Tak vot Germann pishet Lize lyubovnye pism'a. V konce koncov ona priglashaet ego s nei vstretitsya, i ob'yasnyaet emu kak proniknut' v dom. Vospol'zovavshis' etim, on prohodit mimo ohrany, itd, i medlit - on dumaet, poiti k Lize ili net? No tut v komnatu zahodit grafinya, on pryachitsya, i k Lize, sobstvenno NE poshel - u nego shans uznat' tainu u grafini.

Tak vot on podhodit k grafine, diko ee pugaet, a ona tainu nu nikak ne rasskazyvaet. Tak vot on dostaet pistalet, chtob ei prigrozit'. No eto dlya nee slishkom, serdechnyi pristup, i ku-ku. Ona umiraet, a tainu emu ne rasskazala. Chto delat'!?

Nu, na pohoronny on poshel, tak, poproschatsya, no tam emu mereschitsya chto ona glaza otkryla, i tak dalee. Domoi on prihodit v transe, ego treset, potom lozhitsya spat'. I tut, noch'yu, slyshit shum, prosypaetsya, i tut stoit grafinya.
Я пришла к тебе против своей воли, сказала она твердым
голосом: но мне велено исполнить твою просьбу. Тройка, семерка
и туз выиграют тебе сряду, но с тем, чтобы ты в сутки более
одной карты не ставил, и чтоб во всю жизнь уже после не играл.
Прощаю тебе мою смерть, с тем, чтоб ты женился на моей
воспитаннице Лизавете Ивановне...

Nu, na sleduischii den', hodit on, a vezde emu mereschitsya: Troika Semerka Tuz, naprimer on govorit
Тройка, семерка, туз не выходили из его головы и шевелились на его
губах. Увидев молодую девушку, он говорил: Как она стройна!..
Настоящая тройка червонная. У него спрашивали: который час, он
отвечал: без пяти минут семерка. Всякий пузастый мужчина
напоминал ему туза.

A potom emu podvernulsya sluchai vospol'zovat'sya tainoi. Postavil on kuchu deneg na karty - uveren chto vyigraet. Nu troika, vyigryvaet, semerka, vyigryvaet, KUCHU deneg dobavil, seichas, dumaet, Tuz poidet, a nafig vam - Pikovaya dama! I on v polnom shoke, a tut dama na karte nachinaet hohotat', i napominaet emu grafinyu...

Германн сошел с ума. Он сидит в Обуховской больнице в 17
нумере, не отвечает ни на какие вопросы, и бормочет необыкновенно
скоро: Тройка, семерка, туз! Тройка, семерка, дама! ..

Лизавета Ивановна вышла замуж за очень любезного молодого
человека; он где-то служит и имеет порядочное состояние: он сын
бывшего управителя у старой графини. У Лизаветы Ивановны
воспитывается бедная родственница.

Томский произведен в ротмистры и женится на княжне Полине.

Vot takie dela. :smile:
Reply 10
The Dishwasher
Pikovaya Dama...
Sut' takova:
Narod igraet v karty, i Tomskii rasskazyvaet priyatelem pro odnu tainu, v kakoi-to tam igre. Koroche chtoto vrode ego babushka uznala kakoi-to sekret, i vyigrala uimu deneg. Germann, (glav. personazh, nemec) v karty NE igraet, tol'ko nablyudaet, i delit. No vot istoria Tomskogo zasela u nego v bashke. I tut nachinaetsya...

Tainu znaet tol'ko odin chelovek - Grafinya, i Germann hochet ot nee eto uznat'. Grafinya ochen' stara, no u nee est' molodaya vospitannica, Lizavetta Ivanovna. Tak vot Germann pishet Lize lyubovnye pism'a. V konce koncov ona priglashaet ego s nei vstretitsya, i ob'yasnyaet emu kak proniknut' v dom. Vospol'zovavshis' etim, on prohodit mimo ohrany, itd, i medlit - on dumaet, poiti k Lize ili net? No tut v komnatu zahodit grafinya, on pryachitsya, i k Lize, sobstvenno NE poshel - u nego shans uznat' tainu u grafini.

Tak vot on podhodit k grafine, diko ee pugaet, a ona tainu nu nikak ne rasskazyvaet. Tak vot on dostaet pistalet, chtob ei prigrozit'. No eto dlya nee slishkom, serdechnyi pristup, i ku-ku. Ona umiraet, a tainu emu ne rasskazala. Chto delat'!?

Nu, na pohoronny on poshel, tak, poproschatsya, no tam emu mereschitsya chto ona glaza otkryla, i tak dalee. Domoi on prihodit v transe, ego treset, potom lozhitsya spat'. I tut, noch'yu, slyshit shum, prosypaetsya, i tut stoit grafinya.

Nu, na sleduischii den', hodit on, a vezde emu mereschitsya: Troika Semerka Tuz, naprimer on govorit

A potom emu podvernulsya sluchai vospol'zovat'sya tainoi. Postavil on kuchu deneg na karty - uveren chto vyigraet. Nu troika, vyigryvaet, semerka, vyigryvaet, KUCHU deneg dobavil, seichas, dumaet, Tuz poidet, a nafig vam - Pikovaya dama! I on v polnom shoke, a tut dama na karte nachinaet hohotat', i napominaet emu grafinyu...


Vot takie dela. :smile:

hey, spasib ogromnoe
i owe it to you,dishwasher,lol
Reply 11
Hi dishwasher, what time do you wanna start. I'm really tired (2 exams today!) and need some more time to relax, also kinda want to watch the football. Any ideas for things we'll be going through this evening - I guess if we do each of the characters that would be good? Not sure... but there usually tends to be at least 1 character question and if you know the main characters it's always good. Do you have any past essays by any chance? I have one or two (really bad mind) i'll see if I can get my scanner to work if you want.
That's the thing - I have no past essays, so I have no idea how to go about answering the question!

I'll post at some point tonight, because I have 2 economics papers before my Russian, and a French paper on the Tuesday, and I'm a lot more worried about those.

I think that really, the only important people are Liza, the duchess and Germann (or is it Hermann?) Tomskiy might come up, but I doubt it.

Do we need to use quotes?
Reply 13
I don't think quotes are necessary but it helps to whip one out every now and then. I am probably a B grade candidate overall in Russian and on this I really think I will get a low C. :frown:
2003 Queen of Spades, (a)
Objasnite, pochemu Germann shodit s uma. Vam udivitel'no, chto on takim obrazom reagiruet na to, chto sluchaet'sya v konce rasskaza?
(60 marks)

Intro: Who is Germann.
- young German, disciplined
- Tomskiy's friend

Why he goes crazy: running all the way through these reasons is the desire to know the secret
Point 1
- Tomskiy's story interests him, and he, not caring about cards at any time before this, starts to obsess
- This is all he thinks about - devises plans to get the secret out from the duchess

Point 2
- Nervous damage - inadvertedly causes death of the duchess
- subconsciously blames himself for her death?
- Starting to go insane - fear - imagines he sees the duchess open her eyes in her coffin

Point 3
- vision of duchess in bedroom
- Germann is terrified, but she tells him the cards
- Insanity more visible - imagines the cards wherever he goes, because he is so close to winning money if the opportunity turns up

Point 5
- the game - two of the cards match, so he is COMPLETELY sure that the game is his
- the 3rd card is the queen of spades. That's it, he's gone. He can't believe he lost the money, or that it wasn't an Ace.
- His broken, shocked mind now imagines that the queen of spades turns into the laughing duchess, laughing at HIM.

=> This is all too much - psychological damage, obsession, deception and disappointment - completely loses it. But, see above pt 1, keeps repeating the cards over and over.

Is this surprising?
Surprising that a man of Germann's discipline can become so corrupted and weakened by the desire to win money
However, not surprising that he goes crazy - given severity of implications on his behaviour in points 1-5
He believed that he would win, and the fact that he didn't was too much to bear on top of all the other things.

Another angle to this is the duchess's condition - that he must wed Liza. Germann obviously doesn't do this - he can't think of anything but winning. It may not be surprising that he goes crazy, as this could be the duchess's punishment for not fulfilling the conditions.
Um, yeah, that's just a random plan I came up with, does anyone have any comments?
I hate essays....
Reply 16
I like it a lot. Is it possible Germann went mad before he lost the game of cards. Certainly there were signs of madness previously... as you picked up winking of grafina in the coffin and the ghost of her.

Herman goes against his principle to "not sacrifice the not needed for superfluous" and pays the price. Ultimately his greed lead to his downfall. Perhaps his russian half got the better of him??

Nothing surprises me :P But, there were signs as I already said of the deterioration of his mind throughout the novel... We have also already seen how obsesed he is with money - just sitting and watching the game at narymov's house. He loses everything - something he had not been willing to do previously. So yeah devastation.
i think that you can argue whether he saw the ghost of the grafina, or whether he went crazy.
Pushkin was writing at a time when ghosts were popular, and Pushkin himself wrote a lot of folklore/fantasy.

There is also an interesting point about whether he loved Liza or not...

What other topic are you doing? Revizor?

not sacrifice the not needed for superfluous

A kak eto budet po-russkii? :biggrin:
thats ok then,
u alrite about it?

yeah, but i might read it again, just to make sure i remember everything
what about you?
Reply 19
The Dishwasher
i think that you can argue whether he saw the ghost of the grafina, or whether he went crazy.
Pushkin was writing at a time when ghosts were popular, and Pushkin himself wrote a lot of folklore/fantasy.

There is also an interesting point about whether he loved Liza or not...

What other topic are you doing? Revizor?

A kak eto budet po-russkii? :biggrin:

i think it is;

Игра занимает меня сильно, - сказал Германн, - но я не в состоянии жертвовать необходимым в надежде приобрести излишнее