The Student Room Group

Copying coursework

Two girls in my sociology class were told today that their sociology coursework are similar, one of the girls had copied the other and now its too late to go back to change it as the marks have been sent off and the girls were warned about this a couple of weeks ago. My teacher is extremely annoyed with this situation because of this are these two girls in danger of being disqualified from the subject and other subjects?
In danger: Yes
Will it happen?: On face value, No.
It depends if both of their courseworks are moderated. If they are, and the examiner notices how similar they are, they'll probably take further action. But if only one is moderated or neither are, they'll probably get away with it. Your teacher will know whether they've both been sent off or not, or if nothing has been sent off yet, s/he will just send one or none of them, since the marks will be very similar.
Reply 3
Yeah when the papers are moderated, they send a paper from each level so a low grade one, a high grade one and an average grade one. So it's unlikely that 2 with the same mark will both be moderated.

But this children, is why you shouldn't copy each others coursework :smile:
Reply 4
Unless it is a very small group then all of them get sent off.