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Banned Calculators Casio fx-991 ES -Edexcel Maths

Does anyone know specifically if the Casio fx-991 ES is banned or not?

It is the model up from the blue natural display one (fx-83 ES) and is fantastic. On the box it says ideal for GCSE/A Levels but my teachers are now telling me its banned. Well the arsey head of maths thinks so.

It is able to do integration when you specify that it should be between two values of x. So you can find the area under lines.

You can also differentiate an equation of it ONLY when you specify a value of x and it returns a gradient.

It can also use sigma notation to find the sum of a series when you define the series and give two values to go between.

The Edexcel board only have this to say on banned calculators:

"Calculators designed or adapted to offer any of the following facilities are prohibited:

• language translators
• symbolic algebra manipulation
• symbolic differentiation or integration
• capability of remote communication with other machines or the World Wide Web. " -**&p_li=&p_topview=1

And they allow graphical calculators on all their calc papers. Graphical calculators taht you can draw a grap for and then integrate between two values to find the area.
I do not believe that my calculator can do any of that banned stuff. It can for example work out that if i type in 4x=12 and press solve it will be able to say x = 3.

But if I said (a+b)^2 it would NOT be able to produce something like a^2 + 2ab + b^2
it wouldn't be able to do anythnhing with it unless i set a value for a and b.

If you look at the tech specs it says it can do numeric integration and differentiation but nothing about symbolic or anything else thats banned.

So I honestly think I should be allowed to use it - I don't exactly NEED it - but I want it because it means I can check answers for areas etc.

Does anyone else use this calculator. Are you allowed it for your exam?
Reply 1
I asked my maths teacher and he said its fine because it can't do symbolic integration, algebra etc (like you said, you have to specify values of the symbols). I also checked on the casio website and it says its not able to do symbolic algebra so it definitely complies with the info on the front of exam papers (I am referring to Edexcel AS maths)
It is allowed on OCR - fact. It would also appear to be exam legal under EdExcel's criteria too. Plus, there's nothing the fx-991ES can do that your bog standard graphical calculator, like a TI-84 can't do anyway.

Fundamentally, the fx-991ES only uses Numberical Methods - eg iteration for the solve function and some sort of simpson's rule-style method for it's intergration functions. It has no computer algebra functions!

If you want to be exactly sure, email the exam board; don't listen to your teachers :rolleyes:
Reply 3
Thanks for this! It'll help prove I'm allowed it. Not greatly but still.

The problems is that phoning up the exam board results in them saying they don't have a list of banned and not banned calculators and you should ask your maths teacher.

RUBBISH :frown:
Reply 4
i just use a standard casio for my maths course... its like me best mate.

should i think of upgrading it, as everyone seems to be using these graphical type ones? mine doesn't do anything fancy
Reply 6
does any 1 if this calculator is banned in aqa as maths ????
i purchased one recently and didnt check before lol
Check the Edexcel A-Level Specification here.

Other than C1 which is a non-calculator module, it says the same thing for every module:

"Calculators with a facility for symbolic algebra, differentiation, and/or integration are not permitted".

What I would do if you can't get through to your teachers, is show them the relevent page in the specification for the modules you're sitting, and then explain that your calculator does not do symbolic A, D or I (sorry laziness!).

Note that there's nothing in this information regarding a flat ban on graphic calculators, which some trigger happy invigilators will ban without considering the rules.

It won't help any, but it's on the approved list for Sheffield University exams, which is normally a pretty tough list and fairly restrictive, so if it's on that, they there'd be no reason it should be allowed in an A-Level exam.
Reply 8
i looked on the aqa specification for 2007 and i came across this for core 2

Unit MPC2
331/3% of the total
AS marks
Written Paper
1hour 30 minutes
75 marks
Core 2
All questions are compulsory. A graphics calculator may be used.

i know my casio fx-991es is NOT a graphics calculator but i think its got integration on it so any 1 got any idea ????
I do not believe that my calculator can do any of that banned stuff. It can for example work out that if i type in 3x=12 and press solve it will be able to say x = 3.

Looks like you could do with one of these banned calculators :wink:.
Wow Fointy its like u r reading my mind, i sent the board an eamil and they just said look at the specifications which is akward i mean they cldve just answered the ques. nyway my teacher says its nt allowed though it says that its recommended for A-level edexcel so im really confused i mean the calc. is great nd im used to it plus it helps with the equations nd checking too. hope someone gets real proof soon. THUMBS UP :biggrin:
Reply 11
It is allowed on OCR - fact.

I do OCR...:biggrin: I'm going to buy one now...I need to check my Answers in the exam...I wouldn't have made the silly mistakes in Core 1 if I could have done this in the exam so in Core 2 i'm going to get 100%...hopefully!!!...:biggrin:
Yours can do differentiation/integration so it looks bad to me
Reply 13
Btw...Before I buy it...Can normal Graphic Calculators Differentiate or Intergrate?
Reply 14
Btw...Before I buy it...Can normal Graphic Calculators Differentiate or Intergrate?

Yes, mine (a Casio Fx-9860g) can both Differentiate numerically and Integrate numerically, most graphics calculators can and they are definitely allowed. (except C1)

They also feature equation solvers, like the Casio fx-991, again I believe most can.
Reply 15
Chriz M
Yes, mine (a Casio Fx-9860g) can both Differentiate numerically and Integrate numerically, most graphics calculators can and they are definitely allowed. (except C1)

They also feature equation solvers, like the Casio fx-991, again I believe most can.

I have the fx7400G you know how to differentiate/intergrate on this? Also what other features can this carry out? Thanks...:biggrin:
Reply 16
It IS allowed. Do not worry.
Reply 17
Looks like you could do with one of these banned calculators :wink:.

haha i actually hadn't noticed that mistake until you pointed it out, but yeah, OP, looks like you do need that calculator, mental maths doesn't seem to be your thing

EDIT: I also just realised that this thread is really old...ah well xD
imagine replying to a 10 year old thread, what a time capsule...