Right kiddos, tomorrow's our last day at school where everyone comes in dressed up-ish and, slightly bitter that I'm spending it still as a cripple, I have decided that I will decorate my crutches.
At the moment they're your bog standard metal-y grey ones, but I managed to comandeer a helium balloon from our garden party at school today. Other than that, I'm not really sure what to do. Soo I'm completely open to suggestions. There are only a few rules:
1) Whatever it is, it has to be pretty quick to set up because we've got our listening GCSE first thing in the morning, and our school has said that we have to turn up in full uniform with no alterations to the exam. We're allowed to change into random coloured tights, legwarmers etc (ohh the joys of going to a girls school ) at break, but we won't have much time
2) It can't be anything too destructive- i.e. permanent paints or nail varnish, because I'm going to have to give them back to the hospital in a few months
3) It has to be something which could be easily taken down as well, just in case my school objects
Other than that, you can be as creative as you like! Ooh, and I'll give rep for the most creative idea(s).
fairy lights hm and a really long extenstion lead or you could put the coloured tights on the crutches just make sure the rubber foots on the outside still.
fairy lights hm and a really long extenstion lead or you could put the coloured tights on the crutches just make sure the rubber foots on the outside still.
Excellent. I have pink chilli lights, which could work. Although the extension lead could be a problem.. hmmm