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Reply 1
No. You will need the toilet and it is too sickly.
I was just wondering if drinking Lucozade on exam day would have a negative impact on how well you do in your exam?

I am sure some of you will have experience. I mean, there probably has not been a study on it, but all I want to know is should I drink Lucozade during exam time :biggrin:


DONT DO IT! Tried it last year when i had 3 gen studies exams one after the other. got 96% on first exam, then 53, then 28. Almost fell asleep on the last one, its coz it givs u a suga hi, then the body counteracts it by making blood sugr realy low. If ur only writing 1 exam tho, then it'll probably help.
Reply 3
Isin't it a good idea to space out how much you drink throughout the exam? I mean have like third of a bottle everytime you finish an hour module.
Na I wouldn't go for that. Try the coffee instead or something.
Reply 5
i mite try that on my singular exams...
Reply 6
Just have some sort of natural sugar boost.. like a smoothie, mango and strawberry or something like that, it will be a constant boost..
Lucozade is really bad, end of in my opinion, i once thought red bull might be a good idea but in my mock exam i felt sick after having it.
DONT DO IT! Tried it last year when i had 3 gen studies exams one after the other. got 96% on first exam, then 53, then 28. Almost fell asleep on the last one, its coz it givs u a suga hi, then the body counteracts it by making blood sugr realy low. If ur only writing 1 exam tho, then it'll probably help.

Are you seriously complaining about doing badly in general studies? pff such a pointless "subject" (thats if you even consider it a subject) to take.
Lucozade tastes bland in the first place try something else like Irn Bru or Red Bull....
best thing would be sadly xD natural products ftw... for eg smoothies or a mango shake or some ... yes ... corn flakes ...

why u ask because they wont be super fast sugar/energy boost and they will keep your tummy "feeling full" for a while ... so u dont get tht body tiredness or sleepiness after having a very high sugar and then suddenly it dropping nor do u feel "uncomfortable " and sleepy

or you can just decide not to eat anything till you absolutely clearly insta bbq overpower the exam :wink:
Reply 10
I drank coffee before every 1 of my GCSE exams and came out with 10 A grades and 2 B grades. Not sure if it was down to the coffee though, but it can't be all that bad! But yeh, like someone else has already said, I wouldn't do it if you have a load of exams 1 after the other because you will begin to feel sleepy towards the end.

In my secondary school they give out free bananas and bottled water for the exams - so I guess just drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and eat bananas because they release lots of energy but over a longer period of time.
Reply 11
I stick to water mate. Whenever i drink Lucozade, initially i feel energetic but it wears off fairly quickly, and i begin to feel drowsy and tired..
Agh I just bought 4 bottles of Lucozade!!

I'll just drink them now:biggrin:
DONT DO IT! Tried it last year when i had 3 gen studies exams one after the other. got 96% on first exam, then 53, then 28. Almost fell asleep on the last one, its coz it givs u a suga hi, then the body counteracts it by making blood sugr realy low. If ur only writing 1 exam tho, then it'll probably help.

Lol, just bring 6 or so bottles and carry on drinking them through all your exams, then you will do well in them all

(then die... horribly.)
Banana's are king. I always have a couple before a long session.
Reply 15
Thanks for the banana tip :biggrin:
Reply 16
I'm gonna need something like Lucazade on June 25th! I have 7.5 hours of written exams and need to work out something to keep me going and concentrating. Mind you, for some reason concentration hasn't been too much of a problem, I think in general people force themselves to keep concentrating under the pressure when they're under a time limit - I'm awful at timing lol
Reply 17
I don't have enough time to eat/drink before exams I'm always too busy panicking and cramming and doing hyperventilation exercises lol.
Don't drink Red Bull! It will give you, i felt really awake but my mind went completely blank and i couldn't think straight :s-smilie: I haven't tried Lucozade though, it would probably do the same because of the high sugar content.
It wouldn't be bad if you went for one of their sports drinks because they contain electrolytes and so hydrate you but I don't know the caffeine or sugar levels so you would need to figure that out first. What you should never do is drink an energy drink like monster for any reason really as they don't help with studying because they contain too much sugar and caffeine with 0 electrolytes and they will give you a headache or worse a migraine because of how caffeine works (restricts your blood vessels so when they release the blood will rush through putting pressure on your brain which can potentially cause brain damage)