The Student Room Group

embarrassing boil

i have what i presume is a boil just above my pubic hair, at the top of my genital region i would say. a couple of weeks a ago i thought it was just a spot but today it had a gone really big and white by this afternoon it was greenish. i popped it and antiseptic wiped the surrounding the area. now its just very red and sore.

i am sexually active and im worried it is the begginning of an STI? i hope its just a boil though. are there creams that will help?
Reply 1
It's more likely just an ingrown hair, especially if you shave or wax that area at all, although they can just occur anyway. Keep it clean and apply something antiseptic twice a day. You can prevent them occurring in future by exfoliating the area every so often and making sure your pants aren't rubbing at all. If you've had unprotected sex and they start occurring more frequently, or you have other symptoms, go and see your GP.