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Reply 1
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

cheer up, i doubt he was the love of your life. Your not even at uni yet. So much to look forward too. Positive!
Reply 2
i no there are more fish in the sea but i just thought he was i know its stupid but i thought he was the person i was gonna be with forever lolhow stupid do i feel now x
Reply 3
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

Yes there are, I'm a simple person....however I have been accused of playing games and being ignorant when really I just like being on my own every now and then.
Reply 4
i no there are more fish in the sea but i just thought he was i know its stupid but i thought he was the person i was gonna be with forever lolhow stupid do i feel now x

Sooner or later you should realise that he cant be that great. Why settle for 90% when you can get 100%? Its normal to feel like 'oh hes the one' but just give it said it yourself, you feel stupid now. Thats good :smile:
I hate it when girls see the first guy they meat and proclaim him the "love of there lives" LOL it scares us guys of!!
Reply 6
yeah exactly, just chill. You're young! And hes never bin the love of your life. Its all actually in your head. You will realise it soon
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

It's a question i ask myself everyday. There are some nice guys out there, you just haven't met them yet.
Reply 8
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

Hunni, he probably wasn't the love of your life.
We all think that the person we've just broke up with was the love of our life, all of us. Honestly, he wasn't.

What you need to do right now is focus on exams, think of getting to Uni and meeting lots of new people and loaaaads of men who will probably be a lot smarter and a lot more exciting than this man.

It just takes a while to let go.
It took me a good 8 weeks to get over my last boyfriend, in fact, I still think about him a lot. You just have to try to accept that it is over and that you weren't meant to be together.

Your man is out there right now.


im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

yes they are guys out there who dont play games

youl find someone at sme point when your not looking for it
Reply 10
I hate it when girls see the first guy they meat and proclaim him the "love of there lives" LOL it scares us guys of!!

well he always claimed that it was gonna happen one day, which makes me feel stupid for believing him really. i no relationships have there ups and downs and r never easy but our relationship was pretty complicated with wa we both wanted in life. i no its for the best cos now i can do wa i want in life and find someone who kinda fits with me like he did but also has the same beliefs about life and understand eachother.

Just hope hes out there somewhere lol
Reply 11
youl find someone at sme point when your not looking for it

Very true, it hits you when you least expect it and when it does it's one of the nicest feelings because you totally weren't expecting it!

Its very easy to see why you're feeling bitter but not all man are crap - far from it! Sometimes it takes a while for you too see your 'prince' through the sleezebags but trust me hunni, he's out there. You might not meet him for a while (which is prob best because you need to get over your ex first), but you will meet him.

And if this guy was meant to be the love of your life, you wouldnt have broken up. Simple as. Things happen for a reason and maybe you just need to take away some kind of experience from this relationship so you know what it's like to have a relationship where you're truely happy and loved in. *hugs* You'll be ok, honestly you will be. But please dont jump into anything until you're 101% ready
men are consdering turning gay ;thumbsup;....if only it was that easy
Reply 13
I hate it when girls see the first guy they meat and proclaim him the "love of there lives" LOL it scares us guys of!!

I disagree with that.I think it would be the best feeling in the world if the girl your with wants to spend the rest of their life with you.It would be an amazing feeling and thats what love is all about isnt it?I mean if they dont want to be with you for the rest of their life then surely they are basically saying that you are only a phase in their life.And thats makes you feel like crap.Like i said,i disagree with your statement...but ur still my friend rite?Or was this friendship only a phase?LOL!:biggrin:
Cheer up Portiale.I hope everything turns out right.
Good luck:biggrin:
Reply 14
men are consdering turning gay ;thumbsup;

I used to think that. Me and my friends were like, "Lets just be lesbiens!!! It's easier" but then we kinda figured out we didnt wanna be with women and we discovered that not all men were scummy lol
Reply 15
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

Aww:hugs: of course it's not just a dream. I'm with my bf now and he's the most sincere and honest man ever and he loves me. My other friend is currently engaged to a man who will do anything for her - literally - without losing his own mind of course. So you see - there're perfectly nice guys out there.

Hun, your ex isn't worth it. It's always hard when you're getting over the person, but you'll get through this. There're tonnes of guys who're actually worthy of your attention, effort and love out there.
is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out

You rang?
Reply 17
As Classic, Theodore said, when we're with someone we love we always think that person is the love of our lives (if we didn't, that would mean we weren't in love) and that we want to stay with him forever. It happens to me everytime I fall in love with somebody and I always feel things like "this time is forever", "I eventually found him", "he is the one", "where was him all that time before I met him?", "why took it so long to find the right guy?" :smile:
But then, when comes the time, I realise that things weren't that way and everything that has a beginning, also comes to an end. First, there comes denial (that can´t be, I love him so am I gonna live without him?), but then become aware that things between us weren't that perfect and that I can have better (someone who really loves me, who treats me right and most of all, that really wants to be with me).
About you're question if there are guys who don't play games or won't hurt your feelings...I'm not very optimistic about that.
Reply 18
ok so the love of my life broke up with me i dont have many friends and i feel really alone its been a crappy few weeks well a crappy six months but im trying to get through my exams to get to uni.

im really hurt right now and basicly my qu is is there actually any guys out there who want a relationship with a girl without having to play games, lie and completly shut them out or is this just a dream

Just try to focus on your exams. Believe me, in Freshers, you will meet loads of people, some of whom you'll (hopefully) like. Go out with a few guys (casually) to see what they're like, and just be friends with them. You'll work them out without getting hurt that way. Hang in there till September!
Reply 19
been there, done that, got the tshirt, but 7 months down the line and life is better than it's ever been =)