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Split up with my girl, and want her back...

I split up with my lass (ex) on Friday of a year, after she found a text on my phone which was from another girl that lives in London that I knew ages ago and only had contact to through msn. The text said something along the lines of, she wants to be in the bed I was in.

Obviously my girl rang her, and found out that I'd been having a bit of fun with her, swapping pics and what have you...

She thinks I planned to meet her again.... I really never!

The girl meant nowt to me.

Me and my ex are speaking again now, and went out last night and have seen each other today. She says she does want me back but I have done nothing to convince her to take me back.

Any ideas of what I can do?! I really am stuck here, and am gutted, and will regret it for the rest of my life If I lose her!
Reply 1
Help Please!!!
Well you broke her trust, even if it was a bit of fun, it was very wrong what you did. You couldn't have appreciated your girlfriend that much, sorry to sound harsh but if you want her back you got a lot of grovelling to do. But I hate to say this, i'd be suprised if things are ever the same again.
Reply 3
Your own fault mate, not surprised she's got reservations!
Reply 4
What can you do? Well, not texting other girls on your phone which your girlfriend can see would be a start. :smile:
its your fault love sorry.

a bit of fun or whatever, even if over the phone, is not fair on your girlfriend.
I split up with my lass (ex) on Friday of a year, after she found a text on my phone which was from another girl that lives in London that I knew ages ago and only had contact to through msn. The text said something along the lines of, she wants to be in the bed I was in.

Obviously my girl rang her, and found out that I'd been having a bit of fun with her, swapping pics and what have you...

Sounds like she shouldnt trust you. :eek:
Reply 7
It's your own fault that you two split up. You will be very lucky if she even considers taking you back, because you don't deserve it.

Best chance you've got is to tell her how you feel about her, though i'm not sure if she will actually believe a word you say since you aren't exactly honest. You should at least try it, tell her what she means to you, what a second chance would mean to you and such.

Oh and never, ever do that again. It might just be "a bit of fun" but it hurts people's feelings. Doesn't sound like you thought much of your girlfriend if you were willing to have a bit of fun with someone else.
Reply 8
She shouldn't trust you and you shouldn't trust her for looking though your phone and calling your mates.

You far more in the wrong then she is though.
Reply 9
Obviously my girl rang her, and found out that I'd been having a bit of fun with her, swapping pics and what have you...

Sounds like you have beena bit of a plonker!

Only you know what your intention was with chatting to this other girl, but my experiance would say that it just shows that you dont really love your ex.

If you love someone you love them, unconditionally, and you would never ever 'have a bit of fun' with someone else.

i think you need to take a look at what you really feel. Do you honestly love her? or do you just want someone to be there 'for a bit of fun'?

That said, she clearly doesn't trust you if she looked through your phone and then phoned this girl up. If she doesnt trust you do you really have a future???
Reply 10
Sounds like it was eventually gonna end anyway, even if this didn't happen, cus by looking through your phone, she shows that she obviously doesn't trust you. And by the sounds of things, she did well not to trust you.

Without trust, your relationship is doomed anyway.

And you're a jerk, plus an idiot for not deleting those texts.
Poor girl, it's her I feel sorry for!
Well you've been "having fun" with another girl. Why? were you not getting what you wanted out of the relationship, bored?
I don't blame your ex for sooking about it, and you are more than lucky if she takes you back. I think it's up to you to figure how to get yourself out of the situation.