The Student Room Group
Reply 1

i went for the interview and i have the job. the interview is easy, they just tell you about the job, and they tell you to fill in lots of papers and then you have a one 2 1 interview they ask you why you want to work there,
Reply 2
Jitsu thanks for reply, how long was interview? when u gonna have training day? is it very important that u have 2 reference from people who knows u 5 years or more? cheers
Reply 3
hi, erm yeah but i put down my friend and they called her. they didnt call the second person i put down. my training is on 16th and 17th. that fitted in well for my time table as i am working elsewhere from the 14th to the 24th and just had the 16th and 17th off :smile:. good luck for ur interview.
Reply 4
hey congrats on getting the wimbeldon interview. it was you that started a thread long time ago abut security jobs right?
Reply 5
hey yeah thanks it was :p:
Reply 6
January Victim
hey congrats on getting the wimbeldon interview. it was you that started a thread long time ago abut security jobs right?

yep, thanks, u absolutely right :wink:
Reply 7
Hey good luck for the interview, u should b fine unless you do something majorly wrong lol. see you at wimbledon fingers crossed eh. :smile:
Reply 8
anyone for wimbeldon security 2008??
Reply 9
just done mine, waiting for offer be email :biggrin: