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Nottingham or Bath???

This has been driving me crazy for the last few weeks. I really cannot decide between Bath or Nottingham university. I have got offers for chemical engineering from Nottingham, Bath, Edinburgh,Manchester and Lancaster and I've narrowed it down to Bath (A*AA) or (Nottingham AAA) for my firm choice.

Nottingham has the nicer campus, bigger city, much better nightlife and more things to do and has a higher reputation for breaking into the finance industry which im very much interested in.
However Bath is a really nice looking town with that cosy feel to it, safer place to live, has a really good placement year for engineering, ranked higher on the tables and I believe it has a slightly more prestigious reputation but its quite a small university and town and ive got a few friends there and apparently it can get quite boring due to the lack of nightlife.

Any advice would be really appreciated.
go swansea. top 10 engineering college in the uk according to The Times 2015
Hmm tough choice. Nottingham has a gorgeous campus but you're right bath is slightly more prestigious as it only has science courses (not arts).

I'd choose Nottingham if you're more of an all rounded person and bath if you're a bit geekier (but not saying that in a bad way!)

Good luck with whatever you decide. Both are great universities

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-better for breaking into finance
-better international reputation(I think)
-From what I have been told, the course is more hands on and less "textbooky"
-everyone I've spoken to who went to notts loved
-Russell group,if you care about that stuff
-I will probably be there.
-Better and more consistent ranking
-better domestic reputation
-Everyone I've spoken to who went to bath loved it
-I saw this show about coffee where the best coffee maker in the UK is in Bath
-I won't be there

Personally I am struggling to choose between Newcastle and Nottingham because whilst Nottingham is better for IB(my preferred career) and I would prefer a campus uni, I really like Newcastle.
Original post by alwayswannaeat
-better for breaking into finance
-better international reputation(I think)
-From what I have been told, the course is more hands on and less "textbooky"
-everyone I've spoken to who went to notts loved
-Russell group,if you care about that stuff
-I will probably be there.
-Better and more consistent ranking
-better domestic reputation
-Everyone I've spoken to who went to bath loved it
-I saw this show about coffee where the best coffee maker in the UK is in Bath
-I won't be there

Personally I am struggling to choose between Newcastle and Nottingham because whilst Nottingham is better for IB(my preferred career) and I would prefer a campus uni, I really like Newcastle.

Ok, the choice between Newcastle and Nottingham is easy. Nottingham 100%. You would be incredibly foolish to take Newcastle, it's not a targeted uni for top employers. It's good but if you're looking for great jobs at top employers it's not even a target / consideration. Go Nottingham

Posted from TSR Mobile
Original post by Daniel9998
This has been driving me crazy for the last few weeks. I really cannot decide between Bath or Nottingham university. I have got offers for chemical engineering from Nottingham, Bath, Edinburgh,Manchester and Lancaster and I've narrowed it down to Bath (A*AA) or (Nottingham AAA) for my firm choice.

Nottingham has the nicer campus, bigger city, much better nightlife and more things to do and has a higher reputation for breaking into the finance industry which im very much interested in.
However Bath is a really nice looking town with that cosy feel to it, safer place to live, has a really good placement year for engineering, ranked higher on the tables and I believe it has a slightly more prestigious reputation but its quite a small university and town and ive got a few friends there and apparently it can get quite boring due to the lack of nightlife.

Any advice would be really appreciated.

Hi Daniel,

Congratulations on your offers! I'm a second year student here at Bath and although I cannot comment on what Nottingham has to offer, hopefully I can give you an insight into my experiences of being a student at Bath!

Bath is a really nice city to live in as it feels very safe and being a World Heritage site, it is very picturesque. Although it is a fairly small city, there are lots of shops and restaurants, and from my experience there is plenty to do (to get an idea you can look at Bath Leap List, a list of the best activities to do in Bath compiled by students!). There are 24 hour bus services that run during term time which take you from campus into town, and the transport links are also great - I've visited Bristol several times on the train and it is very cheap and accessible. The campus itself is fairly small and compact in comparison to other universities, however this is something that I really like about Bath; as it means the university has a real community feel and offers a very friendly, cosy and safe environment to study in.

Before I came to Bath I was also a bit worried that the nightlife wouldn't live up to my expectations. However, I have been pleasantly surprised by what the nightlife has to offer! The nightlife in Bath is pretty varied and although it does not offer a big city clubbing scene, there are lots of different bars, pubs and nightclubs with student club nights in the city nearly everyday of the week. As well as this, the SU holds two club nights each week on campus - Klass on Saturdays and Score on Wednesdays. Although the clubs may not be as big as those in larger cities, with so many students in Bath, I have found that most nights out are busy and have a great atmosphere! Alternatively, Bristol is only a 15 minute train journey away if you feel like going somewhere a bit different.

If you have any other questions please feel free to quote me!

Original post by University of Bath
Hi Daniel,
Congratulations on your offers! I'm a second year student here at Bath and although I cannot comment on what Nottingham has to offer, hopefully I can give you an insight into my experiences of being a student at Bath!
Bath is a really nice city to live in as it feels very safe and being a World Heritage site, it is very picturesque. Although it is a fairly small city, there are lots of shops and restaurants, and from my experience there is plenty to do (to get an idea you can look at Bath Leap List, a list of the best activities to do in Bath compiled by students!). There are 24 hour bus services that run during term time which take you from campus into town, and the transport links are also great - I've visited Bristol several times on the train and it is very cheap and accessible. The campus itself is fairly small and compact in comparison to other universities, however this is something that I really like about Bath; as it means the university has a real community feel and offers a very friendly, cosy and safe environment to study in.
Before I came to Bath I was also a bit worried that the nightlife wouldn't live up to my expectations. However, I have been pleasantly surprised by what the nightlife has to offer! The nightlife in Bath is pretty varied and although it does not offer a big city clubbing scene, there are lots of different bars, pubs and nightclubs with student club nights in the city nearly everyday of the week. As well as this, the SU holds two club nights each week on campus - Klass on Saturdays and Score on Wednesdays. Although the clubs may not be as big as those in larger cities, with so many students in Bath, I have found that most nights out are busy and have a great atmosphere! Alternatively, Bristol is only a 15 minute train journey away if you feel like going somewhere a bit different.
If you have any other questions please feel free to quote me!

Hi! Really helpful info you’ve shared! What are you studying? How are the courses? Do you live on campus ? If so, do you share a room ? Thanks!

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