The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey I got my English literature exam on Tuesday too :smile:!
I have been using the new CGP revision guide for it. Its incredibly thorough and you can purchase it from places like waterstones etc so it should not be too hard to locate. Or alternatively like me you can buy it from their website:
Good Luck !
You should definitely get York notes revision guides. Choose your two poets from Heaney and Clarke/Armitage and Duffy. You then buy the revision guide and in them you will have notes about the pre 1914 poems which go with the poems you chose.

I'm using them now for the poems and my novel - To Kill A Mockingbird and they are fantastic. They cover themes, structure and give you full analysis of each poem.

Good Luck, hope this helps :smile:
Reply 3
Sorry, I may have been lacking detail in my original post. I take the AQA Specfication B syllabus. One of our three texts is Best Words (along ith LOTH and Romeo and Juliet), and the exam is just on the post-1914 poetry. We have to study all sixteen poems from this section, and we can be asked questions on any of these poems.

I have the York Notes for Lord Of The Flies and Romeo and Juliet, but as far as I can see there are no revision guides specific to the book "Best Words", or websites which discuss all of the poems. I have found the odd site that has brief summaries for some of the poems but nothing worth recognition. So if anyone has any information that may help please let me know. Thanks again.

When on this page click on the link which is AQA anthology

These are very detailed notes.
Reply 5
I'm more worried about the poetry from different cultures. That stuff is hard work plus we haven't gone over them in as much detail as pre 1914 poems, Duffy and Armitage. In fact, I'm sure we just completely missed a poem out!!!

Anyone got any suggested websites where you can learn more about the poems, especially those from different cultures?
Reply 6
Sorry, I may have been lacking detail in my original post. I take the AQA Specfication B syllabus. One of our three texts is Best Words (along ith LOTH and Romeo and Juliet), and the exam is just on the post-1914 poetry. We have to study all sixteen poems from this section, and we can be asked questions on any of these poems.

I have the York Notes for Lord Of The Flies and Romeo and Juliet, but as far as I can see there are no revision guides specific to the book "Best Words", or websites which discuss all of the poems. I have found the odd site that has brief summaries for some of the poems but nothing worth recognition. So if anyone has any information that may help please let me know. Thanks again.

I know just how you feel, im doing Best words Post 1914 and can't find anything!

I think people are getting the wrong idea, its not AQA A - which is duffy/armatige etc. Its AQA B. I has poems like

Ballad of the Bread man
I shall return
War Photographer (Ok thats duffy)
My Grandmother
Curning day (Hilarious mistake someone made in class when reading out loud involving one of the words in the first line of the second verse, if you get thet wrong its hilarious all the way through :p: )

I can't think of any more off the top of my head
Reply 7
I know just how you feel, im doing Best words Post 1914 and can't find anything!

I think people are getting the wrong idea, its not AQA A - which is duffy/armatige etc. Its AQA B. I has poems like

Ballad of the Bread man
I shall return
War Photographer (Ok thats duffy)
My Grandmother
Curning day (Hilarious mistake someone made in class when reading out loud involving one of the words in the first line of the second verse, if you get thet wrong its hilarious all the way through :p: )

I can't think of any more off the top of my head

Yes, it is AQA B where you can be tested on any of:

Long Distance Tony Harrison
The Sick Equation Brian Patten
I Shall Return Claude McKay
Blackberrying Sylvia Plath
Churning Day Seamus Heaney
War Photographer Carol Ann Duffy
A Martian Sends A Postcard Home Craig Raine
Bedtime Story George Macbeth
An Advancement Of Learning Seamus Heaney
Once Upon A Time Gabriel Okara
Mirror Sylvia Plath
My Grandmother Elizabeth Jennings
Afternoons Philip Larkin
The Road Not Taken Robert Frost
Ballad Of The Bread Man Charles Causley
Roe-Deer Ted Hughes
Reply 8
Bit too late to buy revision guides for this stuff... I'll try and find some sites for us.
this is so frustrating because i've got brilliant notes on all of these but they are annotated in my actual Best Words book so i cant send them to you.
can you not ask friends for any of their notes?
Reply 10
Oops doublepost, sorry.
Reply 12
I do pre 1914.
Thanks bob ill check taht link out now

THANK YOU! you are a lifesaver :smile: