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Which guy should she choose?

My friend has a problem. I know this may sound juvenile but it's really getting two her.

She likes two guys:

Her boyfriend who is quite boring,k quite funny and isnt that good looking. Shes getting annoyed with him.

Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her when he went to america and is now engaged to someone else. he has said sorry and they both want each other back. He is very good-looking and very funny and nice.

Any advice would be appreciated by her.


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neither - if she is getting annoyed enough by her boyf that she is even considering someone who is already engaged then she should dump him and you should take her out to find some nicer men!!
Reply 2
^ Yep, neither.
Reply 3
"Once a cheater, always a cheater" << seems to ring true in this case if her ex has already cheated on her before & is now considering cheating on his fiancee

And she clearly is not appreciating her current relationship either...

She should be single.
Reply 4
You say the ex cheated on her, is now willing to cheat on his current FIANCEE (emphasis on WILLING and FIANCEE), yet you describe him as nice? Im sure he is a nice guy, but not necessarily reliable. I wouldnt be able to trust someone if they had done that to me, and that hes possible about to do it again to someone else can surely only prove to her that he isnt a particularly committed guy who can treat someone with the respect they deserve. I certainly WOULD NOT! pick him, and would try my hardest to make my friend to open her eyes.

However, I get the impression she should not really go out with her current beau either. If shes fed up with him, or just bored or whatever, there cannot be much there. Clearly (from what youve said anyway) she doesnt want to be with him.

It doesnt have to a choice neessarily. The ex sounds like very bad news and I dont think an apology is enough - he will never treat her right. And she doesnt want to be with her boyfriend now. So how about suggesting choosing nobody and being single for a bit? She shouldnt settle.........thats how its coming across to me.

: D
Reply 5
Wahey, Im glad im not alone - I thought I was being harsh : D
Reply 6
Hey this is me (her freind) difference is, he was going to leave his fiancee and your right i shouldn't trust him and i do doubt him but he was my first love and i hated him for 6 months and and now jst becoem freinds again bothw ant each toher back but wont do anythign about it cos both taken. I'm annoyed with my current boyfriend because he keeps sayign he'll call me and then doesn't and i haven't heard from him all week.
tahnks for all your advice thats what i was considering doing anyway
Reply 7
A 3rd Guy will be along soon enough who won't cheat, won't annoy her, if funny, good looking and isn't engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply 8
Neither of them, simple as that.

If her current boyfriend annoys her then there is no point in her being with him. It must be annoying when he says he will call but doesn't, it's a stupid thing to break up over though don't you think? Why doesn't she try calling him or actually speaking to him about it. If she hasn't already done so, she should talk to him about how it annoys her and maybe he will stop.

Her exboyfriend cheated on her, he has already shown that he isn't trustworthy at all. He is now engaged to someone else and is telling another girl he wants to get back with her? Come on, he's up to no good. She should stay clear of him.

At the end of the day it's up to her, but if her current boyfriend just annoys her then they are better off without each other. And the ex, well he doesn't really deserve anyone.
Reply 9
Well I was going to type "neither" after seeing the thread title just to be facetious, but now I genuinely do think neither! How can either of them seriously be a good idea?
Reply 10
Hey this is me (her freind) difference is, he was going to leave his fiancee and your right i shouldn't trust him and i do doubt him but he was my first love and i hated him for 6 months and and now jst becoem freinds again bothw ant each toher back but wont do anythign about it cos both taken. I'm annoyed with my current boyfriend because he keeps sayign he'll call me and then doesn't and i haven't heard from him all week.
tahnks for all your advice thats what i was considering doing anyway

Remember the pain you felt when your ex cheated on you. Now imagine that your ex is about to inflict the same pain - if not worse - on another woman, who quite probably loves him more than you ever did (considering the engagement). Now consider the fact that he's proven to be STILL a cheater cus he's now cheating on his fiancee. This guy hasn't changed.

Just because your current bf doesn't suit you doesn't mean you gotta pick up the next best thing you can currently have. Your bf's unsuitability does not mean your ex suits you better. There're tonnes of genuinely nice men out there - don't be a fool and go out and find someone else, or simply enjoy being single.

In short, break up with your bf, and run a mile from your ex.
Reply 11
That ex is bad news. Let them both go and move on. Cause staying with someone who annoys u doesn't make any sense, and settling for what u feel is the next best thing won't work since he's already cheated on u, AND is in favour of cheating on/leaving his FIANCEE, by getting back with him you'll just be setting yourself up for round two of pain.

Trust me, when u find a better guy, you'll look back and say "man... how stupid was I to waste so much of my time on utter rubbish"

Dear lord, neither.
I'll go against the grain here and say both! If your ex things he can screw around not only you but HIS FIANCE then go out with him and then a couple of weeks later say 'oops, there's somebody else'.
Reply 14
Neither, and try a woman instead :wink:
Like most have said, if she is unhappy with her boyfriend she should leave him as it seems clear she don't love him. But she should not go to her ex, he sounds like a right love rat.
Reply 16
this may come as a surprise...and it is a little known fact among some sections of our society, but.... don't have to be in a relationship!!

SHOCK HORROR! its so repetative, 'oh i like him, but he is this...' or 'i like this one a bit better than that one, but he is prettier' just stop it.

You cannot trust your ex, he sounds like a total waste of space.

if you are not happy with your current boyfriend stop stringing him along, its not fair. make the split if you dont love him and move on, and if you do love him, then for gods sake put the effort in and make it work!

but then, you didnt really need me to tell you that....did you?

No. Good.

Reply 17
Her current Boyfriend deserves better, and the two willing to cheat deserve each other.

Basing it on him being 'not that good looking' - God, real mature - what age are you: 14? I hope so.
Reply 18
Judging by the first post I'd say the decision has already been made. The people who will get caught up in this deserve better.
Reply 19
Hey me again (the friend) thanks for all your advice i have sorted things out wiht my boyfriend but i am no avoiding my ex like the plague because i am now friends with him, and i like to stay friends with all my ex's.
BTW you do NOT have to be in love to be in a relationship ask a million people not evryone of them will say they love there boyfriend.