The Student Room Group

restless and depressed

I have this constant feeling of restlessness this past few weeks like I'm constantly waiting for something and my thoughts and heartbeats are haywire. I also feel depressed pretty often at random times in the day. I don't really know whats the exact cause of this feeling but its driving me nuts. I don't think my recent break-up is the only cause of this. I think partly not knowing about what university I will be in, feeling unwanted and unloved and just unhappy and unsatisfied with myself. I don't know how to get my head to not be this way. I try and go out with friends as much as I can, to just distract myself from my thoughts but at the end of the day, I end up the same. Whats wrong with me?
Reply 1
i have been trying to talk to friends about how i feel but no one really seems to get me or care because they just dismiss it as some phase or tell me to get out of it.. but i can't :frown:
What really helps me is to write a letter to someone about all the things going on in your head and then I recommend ripping it to shreds or setting it on fire!! Its so refreshing! x
Reply 3
Yea the letter thing really helps for real!:biggrin: But have you tried seeing a guidance counselor or someone of the sort? They might be able to help you find out exactly what the problem is... it could be some serious sign of depression OR it could just be anxiety as a result of the stage you are at in life. xx