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Advanced Higher Biology

hey everyone. so im feeling pretty prepared but im quite worried about those essays and the extended answer Qs can be really difficult.

anyone got any essay predictions?
hows everyone finding revision?

my mutlple choice i do really well at, i normally get atleast 18/25, but im starting to worry about the other type of Qs. any advice on the other Qs?

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Reply 1
hey everyone. so im feeling pretty prepared but im quite worried about those essays and the extended answer Qs can be really difficult.

anyone got any essay predictions?
hows everyone finding revision?

my mutlple choice i do really well at, i normally get atleast 18/25, but im starting to worry about the other type of Qs. any advice on the other Qs?

Im feeling not prepared at all.

Im usually quite good at the long data handling question though, just read carefully and use a highlighter to highlight key points of the question and graphs.

I really need to get cramming *slaps self on wrist* I shouldn't even be on here!

I have done no work for unit 3, my teacher made me do the animal behaviour optional unit, and it's soo vague. All I did was watch a few National Geographic and David Attenborough videos and then sat the NAB.
But then my teacher hasn't really taught me for any of it. I only have 100 minutes of class a week and she was 20 mins late quite regularly, just having a 'coffee break'. She would also send me away early if she couldn't be bothered teaching.

I somehow did alright in the prelim, btu now I have to completely relearn units 1 and 2 because I crammed them before the prelim and now can't remember any of it!
Reply 2
lol. i get 1 hr of bio a week and the teacher is totally incompetant, but i did really well in my prelim, 72%. i did physiology and health for my optional unit, and it was really frustrating because scholar put loads of emphasis on the worng things and then very vaguely covered the important bits so i failed two NABs on it. . . . iv got it sorted now, and its actually a very easy section.

i terrible at data handling Qs with graphs and stuff, i understand it but it takes too much thinking so i get bored and then just guess the answer, even though i am capable of getting it right if i take my time. im just lazy.

unit two is annoying coz there is soo much of it. . . but there are very few important points to remember, so u have to filter through loads of crap stuff just to get a fact that you dont already know and is useful. most of it seems to be repeated from higher. . . but now has a special name. v stupid.

unit one . . . much harder, but i think iv got it now. .. . DNA technology still sucks, and i cant remeber any of the higher stuff like photosynthesis or respiration. oh welll. ll be cramming this weekend!!!!

im hoping for easy essays like cell division or the diferences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Reply 3
I'm hoping for essays on the stuctures of carbs, fats or protiens because our teacher made us learn them and we did loads of practise essays at the start of the year. Or unit 2, I like unit 2.
Lucy, do you have the Scholar books for bio? And the end of each chapter in unit 2 there is a summary which is really cuts it down. I only had time to learn the summaries for my prelims and got almost everything in the unit 2 sections. Theres not quite enough for an essay in the summaries but its got the key words.
Reply 4
i really dont think im gonna be ready for this by monday.

finished off my physiology notes today and have done up to lipids in cells and molecular, but still have the rest of that AND environmental to do!

i dont think im gonna do any written past papers. im gonna just read and compare answers, but im kinda tempted to just focus on notes and essay plans, since in theory by doing that i should learn the course anyway.

why is it i always end up running out of time when revising biology? :frown:
Reply 5
Oh dear, I don't feel prepared at all. :frown: I'm okay-ish on Unit 2, but Unit 1...:s-smilie:

I'd like an essay on global warming/ the Greenhouse effect. Or symbiotic relationships etc. maybe.

I'm thinking my short-term memory is going to be used extensively for this exam. :p:
Reply 6
lol. yeh i use scholar too, and iv been using the summaries at the end for unit two aswell. . .but every now and again a multiple choice Q comes up and i dunno what the options mean and i really wana know it all because i need a B. . . . i h8 essays!!!

youo dont really need past papers for bio i find, if u know your notes ur sorted, i just do them for peace of mind.
Reply 8
I have done about 20 mins of revision to date :smile: I just plan on learning monograph and reading past papers and comparing answers. I never do written past papers.

But I have stats on Tuesday that frankly I need to much more work for. So I won't be doing much before Monday morning :biggrin:

physiology unit is easy. Answer to everything is 'lose weight and do excercise'

I didn't mind unit 2. We basically did the entire unit at the Marine Biology research unit at Millport in August.
Reply 9
omg. been doing pastpapers and finding them ok, quite good actually. then i tryed 2006 paper. . . .and its so much harder, i only got 12/25 in the multiple choice!! has anyone else tryed it. if its that hard this year then im totally screwed. i didnt know what half of the answers were!

please somebody tell me that that paper was abnormally difficult and that this year the peper will be super easy to make up for it!!!
Reply 10
my past paper book skips from q21 mc on 2004 to q11 mc on 2005.

i am guessing the essays are unit 1 essays this year and im soo scared as i know none of unit 1 but commonly get unit 2 100%. unit 3 we did physiology. is easy yet how come i know none of it.. oh yh our teacher was absolutely useless.
Reply 11
Help!!!!! I've just realised that the questions on animal behaviour are actually really difficult. The NAB was dead easy, I got 20/20 for it without doing very much revision at all.
But I really don't know it and there are no notes anywhere except the student monograph, and they just go over the principles, not the names examples!

Im sat here trying to find out about social hierarchy and dominance in primates.
Reply 12
dont u use scholar aswell?? perhaps u should just revise ur ass off for the other units and prey for easy Qs in unit 3.

oh crap that reminds me. . . unit 3!
Can someone help me with something?:smile: Putting these steps of mammalian cell culture in order;

1) adhesion
2) confluence
3) division
4) spreading out

Any idea what the order is?
Reply 14
Lucyrobyn- there are no scholar notes for the animal behaviour optional unit!

AllanaCappiello- 1,4,3,2 I think.
1 is definitely first and 2 is the last
I think it's 1) Adhesion
2) Spreading out
3) Division
4) Confluence :smile:
Reply 16
Can someone help me with something?:smile: Putting these steps of mammalian cell culture in order;

1) adhesion
2) confluence
3) division
4) spreading out

Any idea what the order is?

I would go 1,3,4.2

they are said to be confluent when the monolayer covers all of the surface they are adhered to
Can I just check, do you get 2 or 3 essay questions? Because in the book I have of past papers, there are 3 up until 2004 and then in 2005 there are only 2!
Reply 18
2 essay choices for the 15 marker
oh thank goodness! I have been going through answers in papers taking down the main points - worked for higher so should work for this exam too. It also seems to help me learn stuff for other parts of the exams...