lol, they say you arnt allowed to use specific texas unstrument calcs but as far is i know these died out long ago, the new modern ones that store data would never be spotted by examiner who probs could stop the texas instrument ones either!
Generally speaking, if a calculator doesn’t have CAS, then it’s allowed. That’s to say, your calculator shouldn’t be able to do symbolic algebra, calculus, etc.
If you have a standard scientific or graphic calculator (TI-83+, TI-84+, FX-9860G, CFX-9850GCPLUS, etc.), then you shouldn’t have a problem.
my school dosent even check my mate brought a progamable calc in and they didnt even check if he stored any eqns and the like in it hehe i even used my calc to check simultanious eqns
AFAIK, more or less anything goes. As long as the calculator doesn't integrate or differentiate symbolically (as opposed to numerically), or allow you to manipulate equations directly (a CAS), anything should be fine.
So what does that mean? It means you can have something that automatically solves linear, quadratic and cubic equations if you give them in the right form. You can have something that multiplies matrices and takes determinants for you. You can have something with an unusual screen layout so that the equation on the screen is laid out as you would write it. You can have all sorts of things that you really shouldn't be able to under any sensible set of rules! I use the Casio FX570ES, which does all that - it's fifteen quid, but it's so useful for answer checking I consider it worth it. (Minor caveat: alas, it doesn't do complex exponentiation or cross products.)
As for how they check, I think they might occasionally have an external moderator come in and check calculators randomly - my school never checks either, although they reckon the FX570ES is fine.
yes no one usually checks them, but this time our math teacher was standing guard at the door and refused to budge unless you showed him ... THE ... Calculator .. xD quite ironic really - a blonde chubby MATH teacher
well anyway i do reckon that the fx-100 ms SHOULD be allowed it can onyl do numeric integration or differentiation , but it can solve simultaneous or quadratics IF you supply the co-efficients in the right form, but it will only give the answer.
BUT our math teacher prolly dint knew about all that, he just said if there is the "calc" key then its not allowed .... no rly ... does he even know what the calc key does ALL IT DOES IS lets you draw a table or substitute values for u if u write the correct equation ( u can even do it in your head or a piece of paper) :|