my mate who ive been mates with for about a year or so now is a attention seeker and it gets on my nerves,
she lies and also she has just cut me out of her life after getting a new boyfriend who just drools over her constantly. she text me today ive not seen her since about a month ago and not heard from her, she asked how i am and how she has been really ill and thats why ive not heard from her,
i on the otherhand have been enjoying life and everyone has noticed i was so much happier when she wasn't texting me and coming out with me,
she wanted me to ask what was wrong but i never did, she was in the pub the other night and i saw her out shopping and in the pub with her boyf so shes been too ill to leave the house,
god i just want to smack her in the face coz its so out of order that she wants to know me now coz she is prob getting no attention only her boyf
i dunt really know what to do now coz im happest when shes not in my face about her problems
how do i tell her to stop talking about them coz i don't care without saying that