The Student Room Group

My granny has been given 2 weeks to live

Well, my granny has finally been taking off radiotherapy as it is doing nothing for her and the doctors have told me that they suspect she has 2-3 weeks to live. I'm pretty calm and ok at the moment, it's nice that I can say goodbye and I visit her everyday (I have visited her every week of my life almost). This post is just about telling people to make me let it out.

It felt weird, today I purchased a pair of black shoes and tomorrow I am going to go to Matalan and buying a black suit and shirt for the funeral.

The one thing I'm really bothered about is that I am going to Poland for a week 31st-7th May/June and then Holland 12th-19th June. I'm really afraid she'll pass away whilst I'm abroad and I don't know how I'd cope. What do people do when they need to get home during a holiday because of this. My insurance certainly doesn't cover it I don't think. I cannot afford a return home if the worst happens. If my granny is very ill the day before I leave will quite willingly not go.

Anyhow. That's me said my bit and thanks for reading.

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Reply 1
I'd ring the company your going with and explain your situation and they should tell you what to do.

I hope everything is ok :hugs:
Reply 2
I'm so sorry to hear about your Granny :hugs:

Yeah, as sausage said, ring the company's and they'll give you advice.

all the best x
Reply 3
Will do. Though after reading the conditions looks like it's not included in there policy.
Really sorry to hear that hun. Hopefully she will be at rest and has had a good life. Thinking of you :hugs:
Reply 5
Really sorry to hear that hun. Hopefully she will be at rest and has had a good life. Thinking of you :hugs:

Yeah she's had a fab life with 7 children, tonnes of gradchildren and she never has a shortage of visitors at the hospice. Her brother has even come over from Canada.

I just looked at the policy in great detail and it looks like I will be able toc laim the money to get home in the event of her passing. Thank goodness.
Sorry to hear that, i really feel for you...

It's terrible losing anyone close, but having the chance to say goodbye takes away a lot of the heartache that comes with such times.

Last year was probably the worst year of my life, my mum lost both Nan first (very sudden and totally unexpected) and Grandad (suffered from dementia for many years) and although both are missed, she, as do the rest of the family, felt so much worse knowing that we never got to say goodbye to her.

With my grandad it was kind of obvious when the time was approaching and the pain was far less compared to my Nans passing away (still a very sore spot with Mum).

So make the most of her while she's still here, I would give anything to talk to my Nan once more and say how much she meant to me, but sometimes things just happen and you can't change them.

All the best :hugs:
So sorry to hear about that, and as everyone else has said, I'd phone up the travel people and explain your situation. If they cannot compromise, then they're completely heartless, and hopefully they will help you. Hope you stay strong :hugs:
Reply 8
Hun, are you going to regret it if you can't get back to say goodbye? Cos you only get one chance at these things and you have to live with the outcome for the rest of your life. A member of my family died a few weeks and I didn't get to say goodbye.. (death was unexpected) and I wish I could have my time again to see him.
Play all the different outcomes in your head and make sure you are happy with the one you choose because you definatly wont get to try again later.
PM me if you want to talk about anything. :hugs: xxxxxxxxx
Hun, are you going to regret it if you can't get back to say goodbye? Cos you only get one chance at these things and you have to live with the outcome for the rest of your life. A member of my family died a few weeks and I didn't get to say goodbye.. (death was unexpected) and I wish I could have my time again to see him.
Play all the different outcomes in your head and make sure you are happy with the one you choose because you definatly wont get to try again later.
PM me if you want to talk about anything. :hugs: xxxxxxxxx

Awww! I think you deserve a hug too Poppy! :hugs:
My greatgrandfather died last year, and I found out he was going to die when I was thousands of miles away.. I did manage to get home in time, but I wish I could've seen him more often in those days. Even if you won't be there--you tried, and you visited her very often...I'm sure it means a lot to her, and to you too. Try to make the best of it now. I hope you'll be fine.

And as others before me said--try phoning the company, perhaps they'll understand. All the best to you!!:hugs:
Reply 11
I'm not good with helping with grief, but with regards to getting home, your flights may well be flexible and airline companies are often sympathetic and could either directly change your flights or give you them at a knocked down cost. They are humans afterall :smile:
Reply 12
If there is no way of you getting back in time, think long and hard about going. I was away for my grandpa's death and i still havent forgiven myself 4years on. I was especailly close to him and i feel so bad i wanst there for him.
Im so sorry about your nan, but i suppose at least you can prepare yourself for it.
Reply 13
Just asked the travelinsuranceweb and they say if it is a pre-existing condition it is not covered which seems utterly ridiculous.

I have decided to keep in touch with the nurses on a day by day basis so that if they have been told by the doctor or believe she only has a few days I will quite easily cancel my holidays. Will see what happens..

Thanks everyone, David.
Reply 14
Fire Point
Well, my granny has finally been taking off radiotherapy as it is doing nothing for her and the doctors have told me that they suspect she has 2-3 weeks to live. I'm pretty calm and ok at the moment, it's nice that I can say goodbye and I visit her everyday (I have visited her every week of my life almost). This post is just about telling people to make me let it out.

It felt weird, today I purchased a pair of black shoes and tomorrow I am going to go to Matalan and buying a black suit and shirt for the funeral.

The one thing I'm really bothered about is that I am going to Poland for a week 31st-7th May/June and then Holland 12th-19th June. I'm really afraid she'll pass away whilst I'm abroad and I don't know how I'd cope. What do people do when they need to get home during a holiday because of this. My insurance certainly doesn't cover it I don't think. I cannot afford a return home if the worst happens. If my granny is very ill the day before I leave will quite willingly not go.

Anyhow. That's me said my bit and thanks for reading.

Doctors are not god.
Doctors are not god.

The doctors were accurate with my Nan. They said that they expected she had about 6 weeks to live, and 6 weeks later she died. So they do know what they are talking about.

But :hugs: for the OP :hugs:
I am terribly terribly sorry to hear that. It must be really really really horrible foryou and I feel your pain. Last year my three great grand parents passed away as well as two cousins and my uncle has been given 3 months max to live so i do understand your pain. You can only think of it in the way that she will feel better and be relieved of al lthe pain she has to endure now...good luck and dont think about the past too much once she passes away...death is part of the cycle of life, everything has an end.

Reply 17
im so so sorry to hear about your gran! i hope she passes quietly and peacefully and she will be at rest.
Reply 18
I'm going to come back and write a long post when I'm sober.

OP, say everything you need to say to your Gran now. It's so important.
Reply 19
You're tremendously grown up about it. I lost my nan this time last year, while I was away at University... Not knowing quite how ill she was (she really was very up and down, and id never seen the worst of it) I didn't see it coming.

Got a call from my dad one day telling me. I was destroyed, and broken by it... You should know though, that knowing it is coming wont make it easier, dont think you wont find it hard, but be sure you have friends and family in support when it does. That is something you can control, and make sure you have your chance to say goodbye. I wish I had... but then, I am so happy I get to remember my nan the last time I saw her she was laughing so much. Ill never forget it.

My thoughts are with you.