The Student Room Group

School Songs, Whats yours?

An idea brought to me by Tripple M who have a contest on the radio every thursday to ring up and sing your school song. Now listening to these some are pretty screwed up.

What im looking for here, for a but of fun, is post your school song, whether its funny or not!!!

Ill start with the clean version of the school song of Wavell

Wavell High School, Students all
We will rally at the call
Try to do our very best
And succeed what 'er the test.
We will strive with all our might
To achieve whats true and right
Let us never fail
Let us never fail.

We will always try to live ((>>Which is a good point))
So that all our best we give
To our school we will be true
And the golden rule persue.
When we work we do our best
When we play we play with zest ((>>Which is a lie, we dont do "zest") Esse Quam Videri
Esse Quam Videri (>>>VideriiIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!, always happens)

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Reply 1
My school song was apparently 'Jerusalem'

'And did those feet, in ancient time....etc'

Untill one of the english teachers pointed out that the whole point of the song was to critisce Christianity in England - that upset the headmistress so now they all just sit together humming old Abba songs at speech day
Reply 2
Our school song goes something like this:


Yes, it's completely non-existant.

They always seem a bit pointless to me.
Reply 3
floriat rugbia

or something like that, our school song isn't the traditional "work hard and play hard" song it's all about how great the holidays are. We sing it in chapel before every holiday, it's quite a good fun has a nice rousing chorus.
Reply 4
gaudeamus igitur!!!!! wow....................its crap!!!!! no-one at all understands what it is on about! glad i'll never had to sing it again now!
Reply 5
We didn't have an official one, although there was one called "God be with you till we meet again" which we sang at every end of year service - there was a whole massive tradition behind it, and you weren't allowed to practise singing it apart from on the actual day etc. Was quite sweet really.

Our "alternative" school song is, heavily censored:

We're ****** (school name) we're ****** we're so far from home
We're so f***ing horny just leave us alone
We drink to get drunk and we smoke to get high
And if you don't like it then f*** off and die
If the ocean was whisky and I was a duck
I'd sink to the bottom and drink it all up
But the ocean's not whisky and I'm not a duck
So let's go to (insert name of preferred boys'/girls' boarding house) and have a good f***

Lovely :rolleyes:
Reply 6
We don't have a school song :rolleyes:
Reply 7
We had more a School Prayer than a song:

We yield thee hearty thanks, most merciful Father, for our foundress Queen Elizabeth the First, and all our other benefactors, whose bounty thou hast given us to enjoy. Grant us, we beseech thee, grace to use thy manifold blessings in our life here, that becoming profitable members of this church and nation, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Reply 8
We had more a School Prayer than a song:

We yield thee hearty thanks, most merciful Father, for our foundress Queen Elizabeth the First, and all our other benefactors, whose bounty thou hast given us to enjoy.

sounds more like a sponsorship message :rolleyes: Soon that'll be bounty chocolate (buy one get one free)
Reply 9
sounds more like a sponsorship message :rolleyes: Soon that'll be bounty chocolate (buy one get one free)

Hmmmm. shame that was written about 400 years ago and all the benefactors are dead. :rolleyes:

Then there's the latins one to like...

Pater noster
qui es in coelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum,
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in coelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie:
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris:
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentati- o- nem;
R. Sed libera nos a ma- lo.
V. Et veniat super nos misericordia tua, Do- mine;
R. Et salutare tuum secundum eloquium tu- um.
V. Et respice in servos tuos, et in opera tu- a;
R. Et dirige filios e- o- rum.
V. Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri su- per nos;
R. Et opera manuum nostrarum di- rige.
V. Domine, salvum fac Re- gi- nam;
R. Et exaudi nos cum invo- ca- mus te.
V. Domine, exaudi orationem me- am;
R. Et clamor meus ad te ve- niat.
Reply 10
We have no songs, we just have to sing lots of bouncy hymns about loving and jesus and the joy of love.

Sing Hosanna is very popular in the masses.
Reply 11
Hmmmm. shame that was written about 400 years ago and all the benefactors are dead. :rolleyes:

Then there's the latins one to like...

Pater noster
qui es in coelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum,
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in coelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie:
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris:
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentati- o- nem;
R. Sed libera nos a ma- lo.
V. Et veniat super nos misericordia tua, Do- mine;
R. Et salutare tuum secundum eloquium tu- um.
V. Et respice in servos tuos, et in opera tu- a;
R. Et dirige filios e- o- rum.
V. Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri su- per nos;
R. Et opera manuum nostrarum di- rige.
V. Domine, salvum fac Re- gi- nam;
R. Et exaudi nos cum invo- ca- mus te.
V. Domine, exaudi orationem me- am;
R. Et clamor meus ad te ve- niat.

They're not yours! That's just the Lord's Prayer and the Responses in Latin :tongue:

Fishpaste - we had a few of those, but lots of old churchy ones too, which did actually sound really good when all the boys got singing properly :biggrin:
Reply 12
we didn't have one, but we adopted my sharona by the knacks :biggrin:
It was every Friday at 8:45 to 9:10 where we had an assembly to sing some songs, all of which were religious. I never used to sing them, as did the guys I sat with so every time the head teacher pointed us out and made us sing that song for everyone else. I can't even remember the song and it was bad because she plagiarised the song by replacing our school name in it. So naughty. Anyway it didn’t take long when I realised the only best thing to do was to stroll in college at 9:11. Making sure I was always late. :biggrin:
They're not yours! That's just the Lord's Prayer and the Responses in Latin :tongue:

I don't know what it is. They used to say it a lot, I can't read latin.
Reply 15
I don't know what it is. They used to say it a lot, I can't read latin.

That's what it is. My Latin isn't perfectly up to scratch, but with my sketchy translation and my pretty much word-perfect knowledge of that particular section of the liturgy (??), it's not hard to see they're the same.
That's what it is. My Latin isn't perfectly up to scratch, but with my sketchy translation and my pretty much word-perfect knowledge of that particular section of the liturgy (??), it's not hard to see they're the same.

There's all the coronation songs too. Which I don't know who owns, probable the Abbey.
Reply 17
we had God be with you till we meet again for our end of year hymn at primary school and that was the only occasion we sang it and everyone cried! now at senior school it is Go Forth With God, which is just as sad and makes all hte Upper 6th leavers cry!!! got that to look forward too on the 9th july!!! oh its gonna be awful! :frown:
we had God be with you till we meet again for our end of year hymn at primary school and that was the only occasion we sang it and everyone cried! now at senior school it is Go Forth With God, which is just as sad and makes all hte Upper 6th leavers cry!!! got that to look forward too on the 9th july!!! oh its gonna be awful! :frown:

:eek: Don't attend. :wink:
Reply 19
we had God be with you till we meet again for our end of year hymn at primary school and that was the only occasion we sang it and everyone cried! now at senior school it is Go Forth With God, which is just as sad and makes all hte Upper 6th leavers cry!!! got that to look forward too on the 9th july!!! oh its gonna be awful! :frown:

We had "One more step along the world I go," at primary school, which was fitting because it wasn't the end, we were just moving on, and most people were going to one of two schools anyway. "God be with you" at the end of each year at secondary school really used to get us though, although I didn't cry when I left. Think my eyes were too sore and dry having not slept the night before :wink: