The Student Room Group

BAD last memories.

Today I had a leaving ceremony in a theatre in town, we all had to wear dresses and stuff and it was really fun!
I am leaving school and therefore going to miss soo many people, teachers etc. But my closest friends today all seemed to abandon me, so Im confused about my last memories of them.
My close friends all went to a restaurant, WITHOUT even inviting me.
My best friend said she would come home with me to chill, and then she just ran off with another person without saying goodbye.

So I was stuck in town, with no one to talk to (the other people there i dont really chat to) and ended up getting my mum to pick me up.
And I was actually crying, I cant belive they did this to me..they're supposed to have been my good friends, however with them all doing this to me its hard not to feel sad/upset.

I'll see them in exams and stuff, so we wont really get a chance to talk..but like I cant belive they did this to me, on the last day we spent together...its asif I was taken for a mug.

Anyway I am really sad :frown:
:hugs: I'm so sorry, that sounds awful, I can totally see why you're upset! But maybe there is a simple explanation... maybe your friends who went to the restaurant all thought someone else had asked you or something? Maybe your best friend didn't say goodbye because being your best friend assumed you'd stay in touch? Can you ask them about it on msn/email? -because if it is just a misunderstanding then you will be able to put your mind at rest.
Reply 2
Try talking to them. If they're still like that, then you're defiantly better off without them.
Reply 3
Aww, that sounds awful. I remember the last day of GCSE exams, the rest of my friends finished half an hour earlier than me because they did short course, so when I came out they were all was like, that's really nice, you coulda stayed, it was the last day. Talk to them, say 'where did you get to?' or something like that. Let them know you're hurt, it's well out of order to do that to you.
Reply 4
You have to consider that it was their last day too, so even though it's a bit harsh of them to do things without you, you can't expect them to make a big fuss. Surely it's not the last time you'll see them if they're actually your best friends? You have all summer!
i guess moments like that show u who ur real friends are... you'll find better people in life who will be chasing after u... and wont be leavin u in the time of need... i finished school yesterday and i would have been devastated if my friends did that to me...
Reply 6
You can either talk to them about it or blank them. I'd probably ignore them but then again I'd be more pissed off than you seem!
Reply 7
I rang up my "best friend" on Friday, and I go to her "can you explain what happened..we arranged to go home together and you just went off!"
and she was like:
"ohh my other friend DRAGGED me away"
i was like
"what so she physically chucked you into her car...:s-smilie:"
shes like
"no, no i tried looking for you, but i couldnt find you"
(thats a lie, i was there the whole time)
THEN she goes "my friend wouldnt LET me say goodbye to you"
i said
"i thought you just said you looked me for...."
and she went silent, coz she realised i knew she lied..
then i was like "say something then"
and shes like " sorry?" (she said it in a non-caring way)
so i just hung up on her and said "Oh get lost, i dont care about you"

if she really cared, she'd have rung/text me better of without her.