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Would you forgive and stay with your partner if they cheated on you with another?

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Would you forgive and stay with your partner if they cheated on you with another?

Male respondents - Yes, I can see myself forgiving my girlfriend/boyfriend in that situation4%
Male respondents - I might forgive my girlfriend/boyfriend in that situation14%
Male respondents - No, I will not forgive my girlfriend/boyfriend in that situation24%
Female respondents - Yes, I can see myself forgiving my boyfriend/girlfriend in that situation7%
Female respondents - I might forgive my boyfriend/girlfriend in that situation27%
Female respondents - No, I will not forgive my boyfriend/girlfriend in that situation20%
Don't know/No comment4%
Total votes: 218
Could you see yourself forgiving your lover if they cheated on you with another person(s)?

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Well...ok...your poll is flawed.
But I can see myself forgiving a cheat if
a) I truely loved them
b) it was a ONE OFF
c) there was a reason for their actions.

EDIT: This would have to be a long-term partner
I could never see my girlfriend cheating on me with another man :s-smilie:

But if that WAS to happen, I don't think that I could take her back ;no; Mainly because me and her are always so honest and trusting to eachother. To be regardless of my feelings is one thing, but to act upon an action which she knows would hurt me severely is another.

Being drunk is another thing. Then it would be the person she had sex withs fault.
I would never forgive.
Am always forgiving. Can't ever find it within myself to hold grudges or get angry for more than a short moment about something someone does to me...
Reply 5
no defnitly not theres no excuse for cheating
I wouldn't forgive, i'd be out on the town with mates the following night, (plenty more fish in the sea as they say) :smile:
Reply 8
Is the second from last option meant to be 'female'?
Is the second from last option meant to be 'female'?

I said i could possibly in the poll, but i'm not sure in reality. It depends really, but i'm certain my girlfriend wouldn't cheat on me, so at the moment i won't be in that situation.
Reply 11
Is the second from last option meant to be 'female'?

Yes, sorry for the mistake. Will try and amend it.
Reply 12
Never ever Trevor.
I said might because I suppose it is a possibility, but only in an exceptional circumstance that I have trouble envisaging clearly at the moment.
Reply 14
Depends on whether she was honest about it... to be fair though the trust would never be there again!!
Reply 15
yes I would stay with them, and make their life as annoying as possible, I'll be the nightmare gf, then I'll cheat on them with someone else and break their heart.

You can't just let them off that easy can you?
Reply 16
Iv had it done to me and it isnt pleasant. Its either me or the highway. NO inbetweens!
Reply 17
yes I would stay with them, and make their life as annoying as possible, I'll be the nightmare gf, then I'll cheat on them with someone else and break their heart.

You can't just let them off that easy can you?

Women Are Evil :evil:
Reply 18
Women Are Evil :evil:

Reply 19
Could you see yourself forgiving your lover if they cheated on you with another person(s)?

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I don't really know to honest. I don't think anyone who hasn't been cheated on can really say what they would do.