The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I should think your GP will be able to refer you to one :smile:
Reply 2
There are loads of options open to you. Asking your GP is normally a good starting place and, yes, they would probably recommend you to a psychologist (although there is a HUGE waiting list). If you've got some money (or helpful parents!) I would recommend hypnotherapy where you have one or two sessions (about £50 a session) and it works wonders!

I've done a variety of things for anxiety. I've seen some very useless professionals, and some amazing ones. I would recommend hypnotherapy, however, as this is truly fantastic! It is like an 'instant' cure! If it doesn't appeal, ask your GP about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (done by a psychologist). This works on helping you to change your thoughts and beliefs, and is very effective.

PM me if you want more info.

The mind website is also very useful (

Best of luck and I hope it all works out! Well done for taking this very important, and brave, step towards recovery! :-D xxxx
Reply 3
hypnotherapy sounds good, but i would prefer psychotherapy, as you would be facing your anxieties and findin the root of your problems and start working from there. it's more lengthy than hypnotherapy, but the results are much more productive and u'll be able to learn how to face ur anxiety head-on. good luck xx
Same as anyone else, get an appointment with your GP, he/she would be able to direct you somewhere. Depends how bad your anxiety is, sometime some simple counselling would do the job, and your college/uni should have a counselling team or sth who woudl almost be able to offer counselling to you quite quickly. Coz getting CBT or sth else is a long long waiting list. Also, coz there is such short supply on this kind of this, sometimes so GPs would offer meds at a very early stage due to the lack of option they have, please say NO to the meds, try everythign else first, only take this option when you no longer able to control yourself naturally. It has been a nightmare for me so far... but I didn't have a choice...
they're not gonna give you antidepressants to solve confidence problems for crying out loud. they're not gonna force meds upon you so don't let that scare you please. just go to your gp and explain what the problem is and how it affects your life (try to be really honest even if it seems silly to you). free support is available, that's why we have the nhs so you shouldn't have to pay to see someone, just explain to your gp.

ps. i haven't encountered a HUGE waiting list, when my sister needed to see a psychologist she had an appointment within a fortnight of seeing the gp.