The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There are plenty that can be found on the internet but here are a few I can think of from the top of my head:

"Shoot all the bluejays you want but remember, it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." - Atticus.

"I wanted to show you what real courage is, instead of thinking that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you're licked before you start but you start anyway and you don't stop until you've seen it through. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." [those aren't the exact words but they're similar] Atticus.

"Naw, Jem, I think there's only one kind of folks. Folks." - Scout.

but there are plenty more...
The key quote:

"You never really understand a person until you see his point of view, until you stand in his skin and walk around in it". Or something like that.

And you combined 2 quotes there in your second one, about courage and being licked 100 years before, but they're both key quotes.
i was collecting quotes for 10minutes this morning but unfortunately i only got to chapter two, but ill give you what i got so far :smile: :
"it was customary for the men in the family to remain on Simon's homestead"
"Maycomb was the county seat of Maycomb County"
[on Atticus] "he was Maycomb born and bred"
"Atticus was related by blood or marriage to nearly every family in the town"
"Maycomb was an old town"
"Maycomb County had recently been told it had nothing to fear other than itself"
"Jem and I found our father satisfactory"
[Jem and Scout on Atticus] "he treated us with courteous detachment"
"That was the summer Dill came to us"
"Dill was a curiosity"
[on Jem and Scout first meeting Dill] "a sure sign that Dill had been studied and found acceptable"
[on the "dramas" that Jem and Scout did] "In this matter we were lucky to have Dill"
[on Dill] "whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint"
"Dill gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out"
"The Radley Place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house"
[on Boo Radley] "Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom"
"Once the town was terrorized by a series of morbid nocturnal events"
"A Negro would not pass the Radley Place at night"
"The Radleys, welcomed anywhere in town, kept to themselves"
"another thing alien to Maycomb's ways"
"According to neighbourhood legend"
[Atticus on Jem asking about the Radleys] "mind his own business, and let the Radleys mind theirs"
"... received most of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford"
"Calpurnia rarely commented on the ways of white people"
[on atticus]" the bravest man who had ever lived"
[on atticus] "not a run-of-the-mill man"
[scout on dill] "without him, life was unbearable"

then there's the one i always remember:
"Maycomb's usual disease"

HOWEVER my english teacher said those who can use quotes which not everyone else does, and adapt them well into the situation will stand out more, and the examiner will feel more inclined to give better marks because it shows you've perhaps read the book [which i still haven't eeek!!] hope it helps!! good luck all
Reply 4
Without a shadow of a doubt, the most important quote in the entire book which 'ThisModernLove' has pointed out in the above entry, has to be:

"Maycomb was an old town."

But that in your essays and you're guaranteed an A*!!! :biggrin:
ahh well dont knock it!! little things like that which you can get in anywhere, any essay, anytime it cant harm your mark.
Reply 6
Actually, that quote is important if you include the sentence after it, which is something like 'it was a tired old town' or something...
Reply 7
i think the most important quote has to be:

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
Reply 8
so im guessing page numbers arent needed? and does anyone have sone usefull quotes on Atticus and Bob Ewell, like what others think of them? and there morals and that kinda stuff?
so im guessing page numbers arent needed? and does anyone have sone usefull quotes on Atticus and Bob Ewell, like what others think of them? and there morals and that kinda stuff?

Does anyone know a website which tells you what each quote means?
Reply 10 there's alist of websites there and i think sparknotes gives definitions for quotes.
here's what i think [sorry if its a bit last minute:

Chapter 1 will contain good quotes about:
Maycomb, History of Finch Family, Dill and a bit on Boo#

Chapter 2 will contain good quotes about:
Miss Caroline [if she comes up]

Chapter 3 will contain good quotes about:
Cunninghams, Ewells, Morals

Chapter 4 will contain good quotes about:
more Boo, more Dill

Chapter 5 will contain good quotes about:
Miss Maudie, Morals

Chapter 8 will contain good quotes about:
Courage, Prejudice

Chapter 9 will contain good quotes about:
Morals, Finch family [Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, Francis]

Chapter 10 will contain good quotes about:
Atticus, the Mad Dog

Chapter 11 will contain good quotes about:
Mrs Dubose, Courage, Morals

Chapter 12 will contain good quotes about:
Black Community, Prejudice, Hypocricy

Chapter 13 will contain good quotes about:
Aunt Alexandra

Chapter 14 will contain good quotes about:
Dill's Family Life

Chapter 15 will contain good quotes about:
Prejudice, Cowardice, Bravery

Chapter 16 will contain good quotes about:
Black Community

Chapter 17 will contain good quotes about:
Bob Ewell, Cowardice

Chapter 18 will contain good quotes about:
Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell

Chapter 19 will contain good quotes about:
Tom Robinson

Chapter 20 will contain good quotes about:
Dolophus Raymond, Prejudice, Morals

Chapter 21 will contain good quotes about:
Tom Robinson, Prejudice

Chapter 22 will contain good quotes about:
Cowardice, Bob Ewell

Chapter 23 will contain good quotes about:
Prejudice, Hope

Chapter 24 will contain good quotes about:
Hypocricy, Courage

Chapter 26 will contain good quotes about:
Hypocricy, Other International prejudice

Chapter 28 will contain good quotes about:
Bob Ewell

Chapter 29 will contain good quotes about:
Boo Radley

Chapter 30 will contain good quotes about:

Chapter 31 will contain good quotes about:
Morals, Boo Radley

obviously with quotes about Jem, Scout and Atticus throughout [i'd suggest just learning a few of them because you will most probably use them in all questions] this is only a general view, looking on the events that occur in each chapter but i hope it helps a little so perhaps you aren't flicking through the book as much. :wink:
Reply 12
Reply 13
Original post by girl_in_black
I've got my lit. exam on Tuesday and I was wondering if anyone had any good qoutes from TKAM which could be used for pretty much any question because I know for a fact that I won't be able to memorise lots of different ones.

Thanks in advance.

'let the dead bury the dead' - said about Bob Ewell's death. Shows justice
Reply 14
"Glad that black ass-hole is dead" Atticus Finch
Original post by hannah.b
'let the dead bury the dead' - said about Bob Ewell's death. Shows justice

thanks, but i'm in 2nd year of uni now; this is a VERY old thread... :biggrin: