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sick as a dog, tell me when it stops!

I came onto my period yesterday so like a good girl i took my first ever pill. Everything was fine until i woke up at 6 am feeling like i was going to be sick, I started heaving but i wasn't actually sick. I eventually managed to go back to sleep. I woke up again every hour since feeling as queasy as if i had been riding a rollacoaster instead of sleeping in a comfy bed. Even now i feel that at any point , I could be sick.
Is a result of my body getting used to the pill? It seems silly after only one pill so will it get better? I have exams next week i can't miss, so would it be best to stop the pill , or would that **** my body up?
Reply 1
i think it might b one of the side effects of startin the pill but tbh i cnt remember feeling like that when i started the pill. think the best option is to go to the docs
i had no side effects whatsoever after going on the pill (finishing my 3rd pack). might just be bad timing for food poisoning?
Reply 3
Thats abit strange. I've never heard of that being a symptom of taking the pill for the first time. Maybe your body is having a reaction?

Although I am no Pill expert!

I suggest going to the Doctors to see whats happening.
Reply 4
I came onto my period yesterday so like a good girl i took my first ever pill. Everything was fine until i woke up at 6 am feeling like i was going to be sick, I started heaving but i wasn't actually sick. I eventually managed to go back to sleep. I woke up again every hour since feeling as queasy as if i had been riding a rollacoaster instead of sleeping in a comfy bed. Even now i feel that at any point , I could be sick.
Is a result of my body getting used to the pill? It seems silly after only one pill so will it get better? I have exams next week i can't miss, so would it be best to stop the pill , or would that **** my body up?

Not sure about what stopping will do to you but I had the exact same thing happen the first time I took my pill for a couple of months (The first pill of each month made me sick I mean). It has went away now though so it could just be the body adjusting and should disappear soon. Hope it does. :smile:
Reply 5
this is what i had the first time i took the pill, but i it only lasted one night and hasnt returned since.

i think it's just your body adjusting to it

hope it passes soon!
i've no idea but i've heard taking the pill messes up your hormones and so who you choose to have relationships will... something about seeking similar immune systems when you should be seeking dissimilar ones.

however, i've got the feeling this might be a little irrelevant for a few years :wink:
Reply 7
thank you for everyone's replies and I think i have pinpointed the reason behind the sickness. I took my pill yesterday on a full stomach ( i had a late dinner) and was fine this morning. However Today's pill was taken on a empty stomach and i have felt like death since. I spoke to my mumand she said that is happened to her when she first started and that it's best to take it early in the day on a full stomach. So hopefully, I won't be dreading each day!
I think if it continues until the end of this week , I'm just going to come off it and use condoms until i get it changed!
Reply 8
I came onto my period yesterday so like a good girl i took my first ever pill. Everything was fine until i woke up at 6 am feeling like i was going to be sick, I started heaving but i wasn't actually sick. I eventually managed to go back to sleep. I woke up again every hour since feeling as queasy as if i had been riding a rollacoaster instead of sleeping in a comfy bed. Even now i feel that at any point , I could be sick.
Is a result of my body getting used to the pill? It seems silly after only one pill so will it get better? I have exams next week i can't miss, so would it be best to stop the pill , or would that **** my body up?

Listen, I had the EXACT same experience a few months ago and have never taken one since I just chose not too. I took one about 7pm on good Friday (yea I know just in time for easter:rolleyes: ) and woke up feeling like I wanted to puke, this lasted for an hour and then I was sick and was reching but nothing was comming up other than water. I went back t bed and woke up feeling better but still like I wanted to puke. The next day I felt a bit better but still the same on and off all day. I got a lot better the day after better but it took about a week before I was 100% right.

What is it you took? I took ovranette and I read the warning that the side effects could be nausea but that was just horrible, I thought that it had messed me up but I was fine, don't worry. After all you have messed about with your hormones so its not surprising your body has reacted like this, though most people seem to be fine, everyones different. Ive decided not to bother taking them but its up to you I don't know what will happen if you carry on taking them, perhaps try a different pill? I think the pills that are not combined cause a lot less nausea but its only what Ive read and heard.
Reply 9
i've no idea but i've heard taking the pill messes up your hormones and so who you choose to have relationships will... something about seeking similar immune systems when you should be seeking dissimilar ones.

however, i've got the feeling this might be a little irrelevant for a few years :wink:

haha, i thought the issue was that it made you attracted to people you wouldn't normally be attracted to, and then when you come off the pill, it's all tense and not cool :s-smilie: lol..i can't really see that happening though *shrug*
which pill are you on?
the side effects i am sure wouldn't react with the first or second dosage should it. well whatever is going wrong see your gp straight away and he can give you another pill that will work for you, because you don't want to end up pregnant or keep being sick. good luck darling, sure things will soothe out.

i mean, i was sick last week, i was on my pill free week so there was no pill involved, but reading up on my side effects of my pill said nausea, headaches/migranes and thats exactly what i suffered from. but i wasn't on the pill at the time so i don't know what was up there. maybe a bug.
Reply 11
i'm on the microgynon 30 one. Im pretty sure its the pill because a couple of hours after i take, i'll fine during those hours, then suddenly i'll feel really sick. Then after an hour of heaving etc I'll be back to normal!
Its so confusing!
Reply 12
I'm on the same one, microgynon 30. I've never had anything like that and i've been taking the pill since Feb 2006. There are loads of ways which it can affect your body, everyone is different so people will get some things that others wont, and some might not get anything at all. I personally had nothing when I went on the pill but from looking at my leaflet, you can become sick, have stomach upsets and such. It's possible that your body is just becoming used to the pill, but it seems strange after only having one.

Continue to take your pills and see how it goes, contact your doctor if you're still not feeling well. They will be able to change your pill and put you on something else which might not make you so ill. These things usually take a couple of months to settle down. Talking to them would be your best option. Just remember that being sick will stop your pill from working so use extra protection.