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Reply 1
I think that it depends on whether or not people have got private stuff on there. Generally I would not read other peoples' messages and I would not expect them to read mine either.
Reply 2
It is a bit odd. I think at the very least she should've asked.
I'd be well annoyed if I caught a 'friend' going through my messages. In fact I know that none of my friends would even dream of doing that unless I asked them to like if I was showing them a message or get them to send a message whilst I was driving.

Going through other people's messages is just not cool.
I would be annoyed if someone read my text messages on my phone without asking permission first. Well I always delete mine after I have read them anyway and there is never anything worth reading anyway but still, it's just the principle.
Reply 5
I wouldn't ever read my friends' messages and I would be extremely unamused if I found them reading mine.
I don't mind too much if people ask permission first, but what really pisses me off is with one of my girlfriends she insisted on reading through mine, but wouldn't let me read hers. IMO it works both ways or not at all.

My mates would never do it unless I was showing them a specific message or whatever.
Reply 7
My best friend once read mine. Usually I wouldn't care, but it was a reply from my other best friend when I told him I fancied the best friend who was reading the text.
Awkward situation?
Reply 8
Personnally, and i think i'm in the minority, i wouldn't mind my friend's looking through my texts, there's nothing there that they shouldn't see, I tell them everything anyway. But, i wouldn't look through their's unless they said it's ok and i do understand why people get upset when people find friend's looking...
Reply 9
i think it depends on the person. i dont particularly like people reading my messages, but then again someone did once and it let them (boy) know that i liked them so i guess it could be a good thing.
i wudnt reli care. my friends look through them all the time. if you have major issues lock your inbox.
Reply 11
Yeah it bothers me ALOT. Lots of private things on my phone so I really don't appreciate when people start coming in 'my space'. Grrrr I have a mate that has a habit of reading over my shoulder.

So bloody annoying.
Reply 12
As terrible as this might sound, I don't let my boyfriend go through my phone never mind anyone else. I have absolutely nothing to hide, but that's not the point. The point is that it's private and nobody should read anyone's messages without their permission.

My boyfriend does let me read his messages, but I never do. I would never go though his phone with permission, never mind without it. What is said in his text and other people's is private, and it doesn't concern me in the slightest.

I would be very annoyed if I found out that someone had just went through my phone while I was out the room. Nobody get's the chance to do that since my phone is always in my bag or in my pocket. Nobody touches my phone unless I give them permission and if they are allowed to read something on it, they read that message only.

It must sound like i've got something to hide but I don't, I just can't stand people looking through my stuff.
Reply 13
As terrible as this might sound, I don't let my boyfriend go through my phone never mind anyone else. I have absolutely nothing to hide, but that's not the point. The point is that it's private and nobody should read anyone's messages without their permission.

My boyfriend does let me read his messages, but I never do. I would never go though his phone with permission, never mind without it. What is said in his text and other people's is private, and it doesn't concern me in the slightest.

I would be very annoyed if I found out that someone had just went through my phone while I was out the room. Nobody get's the chance to do that since my phone is always in my bag or in my pocket. Nobody touches my phone unless I give them permission and if they are allowed to read something on it, they read that message only.

It must sound like i've got something to hide but I don't, I just can't stand people looking through my stuff.

:ditto: Only sans boyfriend, obviously.
It wouldn't get me too much as long as they'd asked (or are my gf) and there was a bit of reciprosity involved. got nothing to hide and nothing private on there so it doesn't bother me too much. only reason i'd even keep an eye on the person is if i thought they'd steal my phone or someone's number that was on my phone.
Reply 15
that really depends on a) who the person is and b) whether one has private messages.

if it was just some one you're not close, then i'd find it itruding but if it was my best friend, then sure. also, if there were private stuff then i'd be pissed. people should ask really.
Reply 16
I tend to save all my racy texts, so I'd die if anyone read them! While I was with my boyfriend, even though I had nothing to hide (the naughty texts were all from him :smile: ) I didn't like him looking through my phone. It's an invasion of privacy.
I don't care if people read my messages BUT one thing that drives me crazy is my [ex] boyfriends circle of friends (who i also happen to be pretty close to) pass around every text they receive. you have no idea how annoying it is. if i send something to someone it just gets read aloud, and i dont always want that but i cant stop it. So yes, everyone knows the entire contents of pretty much every text ive ever sent.
It's a bit rude what she has done, I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend.
I'd hate people reading my texts without asking. I don't mind if my boyfriend does it, 'cos we spend most of our time together anyway and there's nothing he doesn't know about that he'd read there. But me and my friends both think it's wrong to read each other's texts, I wouldn't do it to them and I know they wouldn't do it to me, unless of course one of us is reading out/showing a text when we're talking about something. Sometimes though I have personal messages from my brother to me which talks about family stuff and I wouldn't want anyone reading that, not even my boyfriend, not because I wouldn't want him to know, but because it's between me and my brother, so he doesn't need to know.