So, 2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend broke up. He dumped me, and i pretty much knew it was coming and it was pretty deserved
We both have exams coming up, and when he gets stressed he just goes into himself and doesnt want to talk to people/gets very moody.. whereas I look to other people, which meant I was looking to him, which pissed him off, which pissed me off and the cycle was going round until we just hit breaking point.
He told me originally he wanted to go on a break until summer, but not convinced he was actually telling me the truth I sat him down and spoke to him and we talked for ages and he just said that hes not in the right place for a relationship at the moment, but he does still have "some feelings for me" and he does like me, but he cant think further than exams to say what will happen in the future, and he basically said never say never and just see what happens later.
He was pretty responsive talking about things happening again between us
Now. I really really like this guy, and to be honest I think he still likes me. Im giving him plenty of space at the moment, and so after exams i want to come back into his life enough for him to be like "damn i missed this girl" but not so much that hes like arghhh shes anoying me again.
So how do I woo him back? Hes got 2 weeks at the end of study either I do it then, or I wait till waaay into the summer. But if we're getting back I wouldnt mind doing it before his bday (july)
Any suggestions as to how I can do this?