First off, I have been to the doctors about this, twice. I think it's a problem but I'm having trouble getting through to the doctor at uni.
My resting heartrate is pretty high, when I'm sitting it's somewhere between 90-110 usually. I'm 22, not overweight and i was going to the gym a few times a week until this started to scare me. When I was on the bike, or going on the crosstrainer my heartrate would reach 200 without me even trying very hard. After a few months of this not improving (I thought it was just because I was really unfit or something) I went to the doctor, who told me not to exercise so much. I tried to tell her that I wasn't going flat out, I was going slower than anyone else there but she didn't listen.
This week I bought a heartrate watch monitor thingy and have spent a couple of days seeing what it's like throughout the day. So yeah, I'm usually about 95bpm when sitting watching tv, if i'm just walking through the house it's about 120 and if I go up the stairs it's 160. My housemates thought the watch was faulty until they both checked my heartrate themselves and now they say I should go to the doctor again asap.
I told my mum all this and she told me that a lot of my dad's side of the family have had heart problems, my dad included who died of a heartattack at 42. So now I'm really worried but I get really stressed going to the doctor about this and pretty much being told I'm fine because my resting heartrate's under 100. When I went to my doctor at home they told me it was my asthma pump, but I haven't taken that for weeks to see if it made any difference and it hasn't.
So should I keep pushing at the doctors or am I just being silly?