The Student Room Group

I want to kill my hairdresser

When will ****ing hairdressers get into there stupid little heads how a bad haircut can affect someone????????:mad:

I'm known in my group of friends as having really nice long hair, now this little **** has cut it all off and i just feel so unbeliviably ugly right now.
I've never been stunning but recently have felt much more confident and have had people telling my that they think im pretty etc and now its all gone and i'm back to square one of being the ugly one.
I loved having long hair and i always wore it down, because im not very confident about my face and i felt like i could hide behind it.
Now my face looks rounder, my hair has gone from long (middle of my back) straight bed hair, to biffy preppy shoulder length, straight all over, and i have to keep my hair tied up so everyone can see me ugly arse face.

I was really depressed last year as a result of excema on my face, i felt as if everyone was looking at me and thinking how ugly i was, i feel as if im right back in that place.
I've got one week of school left ever and after 7yrs people are going to remember me like this! thats just fabulous. A week full of pictures and the leavers party too. Well thats bloody brilliant.
If i saw that hairdresser; i'm thinking multiple stab wounds to the face.

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Reply 1
Well you don't need to tie it up, I used to be like you with perfectly straight long hair, then an awful haircut and I hated it. Till I realised there was so much more I could do with short hair than long hair.

Why not put a colour on it to see what it looks like, and I'm sure it'll grow soon enough :hugs:
Reply 2
bash them on the nose with a spoon. that really hurts.

im sure you cant be as ugly as you seem to be making out :s-smilie:
Reply 3
Literally there is now way i can go out. I was looking forward to the summer and going out loads before uni and now i look like a 5yr old with a really bad 'mumsy' hair cut, whereas before my hair was all nice and surfy. I just really really dont know what im going to do in the time until it grows back.

I've been looking back at photos of myself and even when my hairs been this length its never looked this bad, the hairdresser did something specifically rubbish to it so its not just too short but skanky aswell.
I have the lowest self confidence at the best of times, but this has knocked me to my lowest ever.
Reply 4
How short is it?

If it's 'mumsy', why not get it cut into a pixie cut? [i.e. short, that you can mess up easily?]
Go back and complain
Reply 6
by mumsy, do you mean cut all at one length at the back? so it looks like a mum, but also a 7 year olds haircut?

i love the ends of my hair to be.. i dono how to describe it exactly, but kind of grown out? i hate when my hair is blunt at the end, all one length, like someones just chopped it. a few months ago a hairdresser did that to my hair and i went beserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk.

i recently used the 'free haircut with this bottle' promotion on the herbal essences shampoos and took a photo of a haircut i wanted, and was SOO SPECIFIC with the hairdresser, i got exactly what i wanted.

i personally don't think you can look much worse just because you've had your hair chopped from back length to shoulder length.. get your hands on that free haircut from herbal essences thing (or just get the money for) another haircut and be specific with them etc.... and take a photo!!!!
Reply 7
Do you have a photo? If it's all one length you could get some bangs cut into the front and sides to make it slightly choppier...:s-smilie:
Reply 8

i recently used the 'free haircut with this bottle' promotion on the herbal essences shampoos and took a photo of a haircut i wanted, and was SOO SPECIFIC with the hairdresser, i got exactly what i wanted.

i personally don't think you can look much worse just because you've had your hair chopped from back length to shoulder length.. get your hands on that free haircut from herbal essences thing (or just get the money for) another haircut and be specific with them etc.... and take a photo!!!!

How long did it take you to receive that? I've waited 3 weeks already :frown:
Would you care to explain why the HD scrwed up your hair? Otehrwise we can come to no conclusion other than you told her to cut it short and didn't like what you got.

Normally when I go to the HD they are always pretty specific about what they will do - even moreso for complex girly hair I'd imagine (infact its certainly the case down my way)
Reply 10
my hair was practically 3/4 down my back and I had it cut to just about shoulder length a couple of months ago...and at first it felt really wierd and i almost regretted it, but thats normal to feel like that. but trust me it will grow back before you know it. if you dont like it straight ask to have it layered but be mega specific this time!
Reply 11
hmmm don't you tell the hairdresser what you want? :s-smilie:
Reply 12
Drama-queen me thinks!

Seriously, I know where you're coming from - but Christ! It isn't the end of the world.

I doubt you're as ugly as you think you are, nor that your haircut is anywhere near as bad as you think it is. Anyway, you are not your hair :smile: and I can tell you from experience - you remember people's personality, not their haircuts or skin conditions.

Now bloody chill out.
Reply 13
get extensions put in!!! they can look really nice
You have two options:
1. Wait for your hair to grow back.
2. Get extensions.

It's not the end of the world. It's just hair.
Clubber Lang
Would you care to explain why the HD scrwed up your hair? Otehrwise we can come to no conclusion other than you told her to cut it short and didn't like what you got.

Normally when I go to the HD they are always pretty specific about what they will do - even moreso for complex girly hair I'd imagine (infact its certainly the case down my way)

That's what i was thinking...

Every time i've had my haircut i've always been asked to tell them exactly what i want... When they've suggested something like this (i'm another long hair gal who hates short hair!) i straight away say NO!

If they didn't do this, and just went for it - complain! Won't grow your hair back but might get you some money!! :smile:

Apart from that, suggestions on this thread sound good!

The bitch! You went for a haircut and she then cut your hair??? My God, what is the world coming to?
Reply 17
When will ****ing hairdressers get into there stupid little heads how a bad haircut can affect someone????????:mad:

I'm known in my group of friends as having really nice long hair, now this little **** has cut it all off and i just feel so unbeliviably ugly right now.
I've never been stunning but recently have felt much more confident and have had people telling my that they think im pretty etc and now its all gone and i'm back to square one of being the ugly one.
I loved having long hair and i always wore it down, because im not very confident about my face and i felt like i could hide behind it.
Now my face looks rounder, my hair has gone from long (middle of my back) straight bed hair, to biffy preppy shoulder length, straight all over, and i have to keep my hair tied up so everyone can see me ugly arse face.

I was really depressed last year as a result of excema on my face, i felt as if everyone was looking at me and thinking how ugly i was, i feel as if im right back in that place.
I've got one week of school left ever and after 7yrs people are going to remember me like this! thats just fabulous. A week full of pictures and the leavers party too. Well thats bloody brilliant.
If i saw that hairdresser; i'm thinking multiple stab wounds to the face.

Jesus, your "ugly arse face" ??? How can you talk like this about your own face? I would describe really nothing as ugly and arse. I would say this is really unhealthy.
Why don't you try to change something on your look? And if there is nothing to change, then you have to live with it.
You felt like everyone was lookint at you and thinking how ugly is that girl? Why are you so negative towards yourself and others?

I can't imagine that it's healthy to hate your own face.

I don't know how you are looking, but what don't you like of your face? I mean I know some girls who have a round face but it can also look sweet, their faces often look more like a child's face.
You don't like your hair like this, then try to style them a little.

I'm sure there will be something that is beautiful on you. Just go and search for it.

Reply 18
by mumsy, do you mean cut all at one length at the back? so it looks like a mum, but also a 7 year olds haircut?

i love the ends of my hair to be.. i dono how to describe it exactly, but kind of grown out? i hate when my hair is blunt at the end, all one length, like someones just chopped it. a few months ago a hairdresser did that to my hair and i went beserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk.

EXACTLY, it looks terrible. I'm really honestly too scared to get my hair cut for a very very long time. Its way to short for me so even if i went to get it cut again they would have to take more off which i just couldnt deal with.

Basically i wanted one inch of and my layers cut back in. This guy took about 4 inches off and only but my layers back right at the ends so it flicks out but is really thick looking at the top erghhh
I know you think im really over-reacting but i am so self conscience and my hair was like a comfort blanket to me and one of the few things i like about myself and others like about me.
I hate that this is having such a big impact on me and its pathetic but i feel so sick right now.
Reply 19
Go get extensions or something then.

Personally though, I think you need to deal with your daemons because you can't hide behind your hair forever.