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Reply 1
Would you like to let us know all things, positive and negative, you notice her doing?
Reply 2
Ummm aye I could try lol.
First of all we are both 16 just incase age gives any help.
Umm after work on thursday we were talking till about 11 which was quite late seeing as out shift ended at 9:30 and were just on some random street. Today I met up with her after work to take her for a coffee she said she was too tired and had to do revision so I walked her back to hers and she invited me in. We just chatted and had laughs basically was good fun. Jeez she has really great eyes aswell (not really needed but aye, she does)
Any help?
does she ever touch you when you are talking?
Reply 4
Ummm aye I could try lol.
First of all we are both 16 just incase age gives any help.
Umm after work on thursday we were talking till about 11 which was quite late seeing as out shift ended at 9:30 and were just on some random street. Today I met up with her after work to take her for a coffee she said she was too tired and had to do revision so I walked her back to hers and she invited me in. We just chatted and had laughs basically was good fun. Jeez she has really great eyes aswell (not really needed but aye, she does)
Any help?

Based on this, yoda shall assume she does like you. However teenageclay may wish to provide a description of body language he noticed for a more accurate assessment.
Reply 5
Hmm not sure lol well she let me pick her up and lots of eye contact I guess. Dunno not like LOADS of physical contact but a bit I guess, don't really pay attention I just like her eyes ^^
Reply 6
put on your robe and wizard hat?

just ask her out....
just go for it, what is there to loose
Reply 8
A guy used to talk to me for hours after rowing finished.
He didn't like me. He was just too nice to leave.
A guy used to talk to me for hours after rowing finished.
He didn't like me. He was just too nice to leave.

Cute story!
Reply 10
Hmm not sure lol well she let me pick her up and lots of eye contact I guess. Dunno not like LOADS of physical contact but a bit I guess, don't really pay attention I just like her eyes ^^

These both support the "she likes you" idea.
Aye well, hopefully going on a little revision trip to some fields sometime this/next week so I can assess further then then. Too all the people saying "go for it" "what have you got to lose" etc I dunno I just find it hard to do impulsive stuff like that ^^
Reply 12
If you do not go for it, you have rejected yourself - you shall not go out with her without making a move.

And we learn most when we fail. Unfortunately yoda is learning very slowly these days.
Reply 13
teenageclay, I would check first that this girl does not have her heart set on yoda.
Reply 14
If you do not go for it, you have rejected yourself - you shall not go out with her without making a move.

And we learn most when we fail. Unfortunately yoda is learning very slowly these days.

Oh my god quit it with the stupid third person talking! So annoying.

OP - try flirting with her alittle (the whole playground routine [when your walking nudging her so she trips alittle, look straight into her eyes etc etc]) and see how she reacts.
Reply 15
Mate, take it from someone older - ask her out :smile:
I actually quite like the third person thing lol.
I do playfully take the mick lol and she seems to take it light heartedly so not too bad I guess. I dunno I know the whole need to try and ask her out etc but it's just like when I was at hers she was going through like photos of her mates going like "oh he's hot I wish I could say I hooked up with him" so I dunno.
Reply 17
A few guys have stalked me for a while and then asked me on a date [**** off!]. So, maybe stalkings a sign? Wierd i know..
Reply 18
How good are you with photoshop? I would photoshop yours and her face into pictures (wedding, children, holidays etc.) and print them into an album then show her.

If she hasnt 1) Stabbed you, 2) Called the police, 3) Fainted. Then you've pulled.
K starting to get a bit worried by the replies I'm getting seeing as many of them seem to be from people who are slightly... ummm obsessive to put it lightly.