heya, my boyfriend has been having chemo for a year now and has just finished his intensive stuff. for the next 3 years hel be having oral drugs everyday for a week each month (hope that makes sense) and an injection once a month. there not particuarly strong, compared to what hes had in the past.
anyway i was wondering is it recommended to wear a condom while hes still getting chemo, even at the lower doses. i have heard that he should wear a condom during the main treatment as some of the chemicals can pass through the semen and possibly damage me, but would this still be the case at the lower doses? just wondering as not a great fan of condoms, but obviously i will use them if its needed.
also im still quite new at sex - only done it a few times with my boyfriend so far - like 7/8 times? and its still hurting quite a bit on entry, tho the pain subsides a bit quicker than it did at the beginning. will this improve?
thanks for any replies