The Student Room Group
Reply 1
generally yes, you are not supposed to smoke in hall rooms. but if your flatmates all agree, you can smoke in the kitchen, common rooms. rooms have smoke detectors on. some people cover them up. but if one person isn't cool with you smoking in the kitchen, then you're out in the car park, i'm afraid.
Technically it's illegal to smoke anywhere on university property now, but I doubt anyone would say anything if you did...
Reply 3
yep all rooms e.t.c covered by the smoking ban because clearners do their termly checks e.t.c so it counts as a place of work, so even if flatmates agree you cannot smoke in the kitchen as far as i was told. However, if you smoke in your room, thats your own business,, never known a fire alarm to go off because of it.

Reply 4
yer i wuld av thought it wuld be more acceptable to smoke in ur own room than in communial areas as its not reli bothering anyone ?
Well, there are smoke alarms in bedrooms. People have ways of getting around this, I think, but still no-one's going to thank you if you set it off and the whole house has to clear outside! (Though, honestly, it was usually people burning things in the kitchen that set them off in my experience.)

For some reason, I was looking at the accomdation brochure the other day, and I'm sure it said something about the smoking policy being under review, so I'm not quite sure what it will be next year.