Hey all,
Well.. There is a question popping in my head and I am wondering if other guys feel what i feel. Well.. Im active or I could say Im functional for say 5 days.. but when it comes to the 6th day, Im tired and not motivated. I work hard at uni and keep up with other things as well.. But I guess I get tired soon. I work and study and I have many responsibilities as well.
I know when my girlfriend gets tired, she calls me up and we cuddle. She sometimes falls alseep in my arms and my shoulder is always there for her to feel comfortable and cozy. When shes with me for a while.. she feels all fresh and energetic.. But when i get tired...... I tend to call one of my "friend". This guy is 10 yrs older to me.. I do the same with him what my girl does.. I just feel like being in his arms when im tired or really exuasted.. or sometimes when im down. I feel like I get my soul back when im with him.. I connect well with him too. He is like a good advisor, protector .. a good close friend. Im not a bad guy or a player.. Everyone around me, likes me for who I m.
Im not feminine at all. Infact, looking at me u could never judge I would have these feelings.. cuz i look really strong and big.
I duno, im confused.. but are there guys like me out there? or if ur a str8 guy, what do u do when ur in my position.