The Student Room Group

Boyfriend troubles

My boyfriend has been feeling really down lately, don't wanna get into all the details, but bascally I think one of the main problems he has is that he is stuck in a dead end job and feels stupid and worthless. Now he is doing a study from home course, and has his exams in two weeks time and I know he's really nervous about it... I'd just like some ideas of nice stuff I can do for him to let him know that I don't think he's worthless/talentless/blahblah... Stuff to cheer him up?
Surprise him with a romantic meal one night? You could cook something so he knows you've put some effort in and it may help him relax a little.

Leave him a small note in the middle of his revision books to remind him how much you love him. I work with my boyfriend but he's a team leader so his job is a lot more stressful than mine is and it can get to him at times. I leave him notes in the pocket of his coat to find after work and it always cheers him up if he's had a bad day.
Reply 2
Give him a nice massage one night?
Reply 3
Ask him about the course and get him to explain stuff to you so that he gets some revision out of it and feels that you're showing an interest in him and think he's capable etc.