The Student Room Group
Not very.
Reply 2
And you say this from experience Econometrician?

If not the stop making stupid replies based on hearsay.
And you say this from experience Econometrician?

If not the stop making stupid replies based on hearsay.

Even though this degree is definatley less mathmatical then the normal L100 Economics, i would assume it would still fairly hard. It is at WARWICK after all so what could you expect. Many modules of both degree's overlap you see.
Reply 5
"Less mathematical" does not necessarily equate to "less difficult", despite what many TSR users seem to think. Not that I'm implying this about you Banka.
Yh B.A degree's will have more essays involved in them i would imagine. Depends what your strenghs are..this will determine whether a particular degree will be difficult for you or not. If you feel slightly iffy bout Industrial Economics..then its better not to do it at another course.
Reply 7
8 tough points out of 10
Reply 8
I believe that only a student doinf the course can comment accurately on how tough it is.

I predict industrial econ being quite tough but not as hard as L100.
Reply 9
Yeah a lot of the modules overlap between Industrial Economics and Economics L100 at Warwick. There is a distinct lack of emphasis on maths, which i presume you deduced from the fact that a-level/higher maths is not a prerequisite for applicants for Industrial. If by 'tough' you mean more economic analysis (and so greater use of maths techniques), then Industrial is less difficult that straight econ. Any other interpretation then both degrees are just as challenging. I think it's one or two modules out of 7 or 8 in the first year that are different between the two degrees. To be honest, every course offered by the econ dept here is meant to be challenging. Good luck.