The Student Room Group

:( everything's just getting worse.

I'm so fed up.
My school just called and said that IM GUNNA HAVE TO PAY FOR MY EXAMS CUS i signed my thing to say I would before.
I think I made it quite clear before when I just came in for drama
It looks like I'll at least have to pay for the two GS ones I miss.
and I need a doctor's certificate to actually get excluded from them rpoeprly.
This is so ****ed up.
I lied and said I had seen a doctor when I'd really just been talking to family about it and hiding away for about 3 months.
Gunan hae to talk to a bitchy exam officer now :frown:
I really really just wanna get out of this situation.
I'm not thinking straight I know
I just wanna be left alone :frown:((
Can you not actually withdraw from the exams?
Reply 2
they said "they don't know"

As said above, it's pretty easy to wishdraw from exams (at least in my and some of my friends experiences) and they can't make you pay for them if you don't want to take them.

Just going to have to tell them straight Lillian... all should be fine, i wouldn't worry too much about it :smile:
Reply 4
they said I should try but I don't care I just need to get away from this ,i dont want any help I just wanna be left alone to my own devices.
Reply 5
Just pay the money, speak to the right people, problem solved. The sooner you sort it the sooner it's over. I wouldn't stress about paying for stuff when you want to sort your health out, money's no big deal.
they said "they don't know"

I'm certain you can. Have a look on Edexcel/AQA/whetever's website. They will have info there.
Just pay the money, speak to the right people, problem solved. The sooner you sort it the sooner it's over. I wouldn't stress about paying for stuff when you want to sort your health out, money's no big deal.

Given that it's late May, you might be too late to withdraw without paying.

Honestly, if you're so unhappy then surely spending a few quid on some exams is the least of your worries. Wait til you get to uni in a few years and you're in thousands of pounds of debt... that will be worse. I'm not trying to sound harsh but you're blowing it out of proportion. Have a break, focus on getting yourself better and then take the exams next year when you're up to it. Having to pay for exams you aren't taking isn't that much of a problem.
If you can't get excluded from them properly, then again, it doesn't matter. It will just count as a fail and you can then retake the exams at a later date. Please stop worrying yourself over them. Whether you get 'properly excluded' from the exams or you just don't turn up/do badly won't make a huge difference on the outcome - you still will take the exams at some point in the future and get a better grade later.

Why haven't you seen a doctor yet? I thought you wanted to...?

Schools have an uncanny ability to get their pupils all worked up over easily fixable issues... don't let them do that to you. :wink:
You will be able to withdraw, but you may have to pay. You won't automatically fail/get a 0 on papers so long as you ask to withdraw.
they said I should try but I don't care I just need to get away from this ,i dont want any help I just wanna be left alone to my own devices.

Look Lilian (my name's lily too by the way :wink: :biggrin: ), I don't know you but you've clearly got a lot going for you. You must be about 17, right? That's an advantage in itself, you have your whole future ahead of you. By your age some people have completely messed up their lives and got themselves all pregnant and in young offenders institutes and whatnot. However, you're still young enough and capable enough to make your life a good, successful life.You aren't doing these exams now, but you can do them at some point later and a couple of years from now all this mess will just seem like a distant bad dream. It would be such a shame for all this depression malarky (assuming that's what it is) to hold you back when you are quite clearly able to give yourself a good life. Many people have problems like this and everyone has times in their life which they find near enough impossible to cope with, it's just part of life. I'm not trying to trivialise it, I'm just trying to let you know that although this seems like a ****ty situation, and indeed it is, there's no reason for it to negatively affect your future. You should take a holiday, maybe go to some sunny beach for a couple of weeks with your mum over summer? Also see a doctor if it's really what you need, and take back some control over yourself. You have a lot going for you.. don't just sit back and hide from how you're feeling. You need to actively sort yourself out, and you probably need to accept some help to do that. It would be such a shame to waste your life like that.
Reply 11
You have a lot going for you.. don't just sit back and hide from how you're feeling. You need to actively sort yourself out, and you probably need to accept some help to do that. It would be such a shame to waste your life like that.

I totally agree :smile:

I wasn't really familiar with your situation Lilian so I did the stalkerish thing and had a quick look through some of the threads you've started in H&R. I've got to say, you sound very much like I was in my first year at sixth form (and second, for that matter!). Here's my sorry tale:

I moved to a grammar school from a comprehensive to do my A-Levels thinking it would be the best thing for me academically. What happened though was that I went from being the smartest to the dumbest. And from the pretty, bubbly girl to the chubby, shy one in the corner (not that I gained any weight, but 'pretty' was defined a bit differently at my new school - ie. very thin = good. Or at least it was in my head, it was probably a load of bull). On top of that shock, my boyfriend of two years dumped me a fortnight in! So I was a complete mess... my confidence was shot to pieces, my grades were suffering, essentially I hated myself.

School intimidated me so much that I physically couldn't bring myself to go. I'd walk halfway, burst into tears and have to turn back. To try to stop it, my Grandad then started driving me to school but after a while the same started happening again and he couldn't bear to see me in that state so he took me home. I thought about dropping out but I decided not to so I could get my A-Levels and go to uni. It was hard, but definitely worth it on results day when I both got into my first choice uni and realised I never had to go back to that place again! I'm coming to the end of my second year at uni now and all that school stuff is way in the past.

So I suppose my advice would be, don't give up! If you think a year out is a good idea then take it and make it worthwhile. If you really do want to go to uni, it's worth it just to ride out the difficult patches because once you get there, it'll be a distant memory. Perhaps after your year out you'll be really eager to study again and throw yourself into it? Who knows, just take it as it comes :smile:

Body issues have always been a big thing for me like they seem to be for you too. I used to do all these crazy faddy diets and think about how I could cut out food and stuff. Sometimes I'd get sick of that and just get so down about how "fat" I was that I wouldn't go out. I still have days like that sometimes but now I'm just eating healthily and working on my self-image. Judging by your avatar, you're absolutely gorgeous and have nothing to worry about! But even so, you are not defined by your looks/weight. It's just tiny aspect of you, there's so much more to you than that.

Don't worry about this bitchy exams officer, she doesn't really mean anything to you in the grand scheme of things! Just calm down, and look at the bigger picture. All that matters is getting to where you want to be, so don't worry about people like her.

Please don't let it get you down. I know it's a lot easier said than done but in my experience, it's just not worth the hassle. You seem like a really lovely girl and as Vampyrcorn said, it would be such a shame for you to waste your life worrying about the little things. Just try to relax and enjoy yourself :smile:

Feel free to PM me if you ever want to talk :smile:

Edit: wow that was sooo long! Sorry!!

Also I forgot to say, one thing I always considered but never actually acted upon was seeing a doctor or counsellor about my anxiety/stress and weight issues. Its one thing I regret not doing so if you get the opportunity, it might be a good idea to take it :smile:
Reply 12
i guess i have blown it out of proportion a bit.
i have no money
my family has no money either.
so I can't pay back that quickly even if I tried.
Everything seems out of my control atm but I'm just trying to calm down
Reply 13
i guess i have blown it out of proportion a bit.
i have no money
my family has no money either.
so I can't pay back that quickly even if I tried.
Everything seems out of my control atm but I'm just trying to calm down

No need to stress. They're wanting money off you that you don't have - what are they going to do? Throw you in prison?

Just be honest, live with it. At your age, you shouldn't have to be worrying about **** like this.